Chapter 26

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He stayed in my apartment for lunch and forced me to have lunch. He ordered MacDonald chickens for us. We watched Netflix after lunch, then he talked about how he misses princess his niece in London.

"I need to go to the university." I tell him almost whisper.

He shakes his head, "you should not force yourself. You are not well."

Lately he's always holding my hand whenever he had chance. It does make me feel better.

"I don't want to skip another class, Nick" I explain.

His gaze moves from the TV in front of us to me, he looks right into my soul. I feel like he could rip off my soul into two pieces.

"Please" clapping my hand together in front of me hopping he will drive me.

He sighs then standing from the old IKEA couch that always makes a noisy when someone sit there. "Alright, but ..." He move his hand in the air and continues, "but you should come to me if something happens."

I let a small smile came out. "Promise!" Making a little finger promise.

"Silly you!" He says as lingering his big finger to my small one and shakes it in unison to lock our promise.

"Alright, my next class is at three so I still have thirty minutes. I will be ready, wait!" I run to my bedroom to get changed and put some makeup.

Few minutes later I'm walking out with Nick by my side to his car. Through the corridor he held my hand in force. I'm happy he forced to hold my hand, his care and affection are new whole world to me these days.

I slide to the passenger seat as soon as he opened the door for me. With a small run, he got himself to the driver seat and started the car right after the seatbelt is clicked. He drives to the university in a faster acceleration than usually he drove.

He stopped the car in the parking spot in our department building. I climbed off of the car because my class is about to start in few minutes. I glanced at Nick over my shoulder before run inside the building.

I heard him saying, "careful!"


Nick is in the garden, my very spot that I usually spent my free time to eat there. He waves his hand to me and gesturing myself to come over. Dumbly, I followed his instruction and sit beside him carefully. Angela already left right after the class over. She seemed in hurry.

"Thank you for the wait," I say leaning closer to him.

"I told you right, I will be here." He winks at me, flirting. I shiver then punch his arm lightly.

"Have dinner with me?" He says more like asking.

I watch him carefully.

"What you say?"

"Sure, dinner sounds great!" I reply, showing all my teeth.

"It's fixed then." He stands from his seat, watched me with joy then nodding at me. I grab his hand softly and use it as prop for me to stand.

"Aye aye princess." He jokes terribly, moved aside then walking me to his car like the gentleman he is.

He drove me home right away. On the way home, he talked about his family. How his mom keeps asking him to get married and that's annoyed him every time she asked him. Also how his brother moved to London and got married.

Lately I feel like I know him better than ever. I feel closer to him. Sometimes I wonder is all his affection was to get my attention or just the way he treats a girl. One time I feel like he's deeply in love with me but another time I feel like he's pity me.

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