Chapter 20

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I didn't sleep at all last night, Hanna kept moving her body in sleep sometimes she shouted mom and cried historically. She must be really shock saw mom tried to kill herself. I was shocked too but I'm trying not to let it go under my skin. One of us needs to be though.

Nurses came out from mom's room early morning, one of them coming to our direction. "You can visit her but don't wake her up yet. She needs more rest." The nurse says, gesturing me to follow her.

Hanna runs to mom's room and went into the room immediately. I stand up following the nurse to the reservation for the documents I need to fill or maybe payment.

"You need to sign here," she points the signature blank space for me to sign. "It's for payment and the next documents for the next treatment she might need." She takes a seat after explained what the sign needed for.

I nod at her and start to read the documents. The first page was for surgery payment and the second was for room payment. I signed as told and open another pages for next coming treatment.

"Here," I hand it back to her with smile.

"Alright miss Cooper, you want to pay the bill cash or by card?" She asks me again.

I take out my wallet and give her my credit card then answer, "by card is okay."

The nurse takes the card and finished the process soon enough, so I could go to mom's room and be there for her.

As I walk to her room, I read the medicine description that she told me to get them on the pharmacy as soon as possible. I sigh holding the door handle, puting the paper into my bag and straightening my hair before opening the door.

"Hanna." I greet her as I spotted her next to mom holding her hand rubbing it gently.

She smiles sadly at me without a word.

"How is she?" I ask again slowly so my voice will not disturb mom.

"She's still sleeping." Hanna reply whispering as well. Her eyes show sadness and worries over mom. I nod smiling sadly then take a seat next to mom the opposite Hanna seat.


Hanna told me that she's done with packing and placing the bag on the chair next to the hospital bed. I've been finishing the bill for the extended days at the hospital. Surely stayed a week in hospital is cost a lot of money since this is a private hospital also.

Mom came out from the bathroom and changed her hospital appearance to her casual boat neck shirt with long sleeve and a jeans. She does look fresh and beautiful as always. Mom looks happier these days.

"Wait! I need to use bathroom a bit." Hanna says, doing small run to the bathroom.

Mom and I both laugh watching her childish act to the bathroom.

"We've made something for your welcome home mom." I inform her while waiting for my sister finishing her business.

Mom's expression lighten up, wide smile plastered on her face, when she heard my information about welcoming her home. "Oh darling, you and your sister are the beautiful things that ever happened to me." She walks and extending both her hand to me.

My face smiling without my permission and move myself closer to her to hug her. "I love you mom."

"Sure, I love mom way more than Becca." I hear Hanna's voice say behind us, closing the bathroom door reveling herself and joining mom and I hugging.

"Sandwich hug?" Mom comments jokingly then laughs historically followed by Hanna and I.

"Alright alright," I say breaking the sandwich hug.

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