Chapter Two

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After Joe spent another hour in my apartment, talking about his plans and his science. I finally alone and finding myself laying on my bed with phone on my hand. I stare at the screen, it shows Robert.

Again, I'm thinking about Robert who doesn't bother to text me. I need help. I'm going crazy over this break up. I put my phone on the table next to my bed and cover my face with a pillow. Figuring out what should I do.

"This last message" I assure myself like crazy. I grab my phone and start texting.


I take a deep breath and try to relax.

Seconds after I sent the message, my phone buzzing. I take my phone in front of me and gather the strange to read the message. It says Robert on the screen.

*okay* he replies too short

After minutes my phone buzzing again but this time is a call from Robert. I press the button and put the call on speaker.

"Hi," he says on the other line. I miss his voice.

"Hi" I reply groggily.

"What happened?" He asks me with cold tone. I'm a little bit shock but I remain myself, break up.

"Nothing, sorry to bother you" I sound desperate.

"Okay, I'm kind of busy right now. Will call you next time" he promises me and hang out the call without wait for my response.

Great. Anyone kill me. This is frustrating. I need to move on. Four months is not enough for me to forget him. I was depending on him for everything and look what I got now. Miserable. I feel burn on my eyes, even though trying to holding up, my tears still fall down like a river. My eyes feel heavy after crying for last two hours and now sleep takes over me.


My alarm is on and off few times as I decided to ignore. I don't feel like to go to the university, I pull blanket up to cover my body and force my eyes to close.

Someone bang on my door many times, I glance at the watch on the table next to bed. Eight o'clock. I take a deep breath and sigh roughly. Who the hell bang on my door this early? I frown and get up to open the door.

"What the-" I stop myself from complaining as I open the door. Robert stand in front of me. Holding box warped beautiful paper with hearts paint on it. He looks handsome with pink hoodie and black jeans, sneakers are his favorite. He has brown eyes and curly hair which is suit on him. I really miss him and his sweet smile.

I clear my throat before open my mouth, "what are you doing here?" I forgot about my appearance, my hair is a mess and I'm still on my pajamas. My eyes feel swollen. He doesn't answer but smile.

"Robert!" I call him.

He nods while staring at me up to down. Now I feel uncomfortable. I wave my hand in front of him. "Good morning," he seems thinking "I thought we needed to talk over something," he finally explain.

"What is it about?" I walk inside and let him to come in.

"I can't stay without you," he takes a seat on the sofa next to the door and put the box on the table. Again he stares at me. I knew I don't look good, I say to myself.

"What do you mean?" He always makes me confuse, last night he didn't want to talk to me and now he's in front of me saying want to come back.

He moves next to me and leans on me. "I was so empty until last night you texted me and I realize..." He stops and looks at me in the eye, "I realize that I can't stay without you!"

He takes my hands but I pull back. Is he joking? My mind is telling me. I don't know what to say, I'm beyond confused. I love him but we didn't talk for four months straight. Now he's saying he wants to come back. I stay silent this time.

"Bec, say something," his nickname to me feels fresh in my ears. He loves to call me bec, he said bec is cute for me. I don't get it but I love it.

"I..I don't think we can fix this." I look at the concrete floor, not wanting to see his eyes.

"Give me another chance," he said softly. It makes my heart bounce faster. I close my eyes and face him this time. I know this sounds desperate and miserable, but I love him and I miss him.

I nod without saying a word. He smiles to me and hand me the box.

"What is this box?" I hold the box on my laps.

"Open it," he says with bright smile. I can't help how happy to see his smile again. I open the box and find bracelet with hearts shape in it.

"Thank you," I smile at the bracelet "this is cute," I say as I place the bracelet on my hand. He smiles at me and hug me. I miss his hug. I miss everything about him. Now I sound crazy.

He releases me from his hug, "don't you have class today?" He focus on me and waits for my answer, I nod. He looks at the watch on his phone, half past eight. "I'll drive you to your building," he says.

"Okay, I'll get ready" I stand from my seat and walk to the bedroom.

After spent one hour in the bedroom getting ready, I walk outside to see Robert using his phone with smile on his face. I try to make a noise to get his attention but he seems into his phone.

"Robert," I poke his shoulder. He jumps on his seat and looks at me groggily then press the red call button. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shock you," I apologize.

"No, it's okay," he stands from his seat and looks at me with amaze. "You look gorgeous," he compliments.

I flush at his compliment, "let's go."

He takes my hand with smile and hold it all the way to the parking lot to his car. I knew Robert three years ago as he visited my high school to introduce his university which is my university now. We exchanged our phone number and kept in touch since then. He asked me to be his girlfriend two years ago and we never had big fight even once, but four months ago was huge fight and he decided to end the relationship but here I am holding hands with him and gave him the second chance.

He releases his hand and open the passenger door to me. I smile and get in in his car. We used to have small conversation in the car, but today seems different, he focus on his road and I'm looking at him with proud smile on my face until university.

"I will pick you up after your last class, just text me," he says before let me out from his car.

"Okay" is all I can say.

I walk inside the building all alone like usually. Some students stare at me and I don't give shit about them. That's what students do in their break time, staring at another student and gossiping. I take out my phone from my bag and text Joe to tell him I will not be able to go home with him today.

As I focus on my phone, someone walk straight to me and we bounce to each other. I almost fall down to the concrete floor but luckily he hold my hand to catch me. I look at him with upset and ready to yell at him, but he hurry to explain himself.

"Sorry I didn't see my way and bounce on you," he apologizes.

I never seen him in this building. Is he student here or just transferred here? My mind's questioning him. I catch his casual outlook as funny thing, he wear black shirt and black jeans and sandal. What? Sandal?. I force myself not to laugh but fail miserably.

"I'm sorry, what's so funny?" He study me and touches my forehead, "are you hurt?" Now he seems worry.

I force to stop "no.. nothing," I simply say. "Thank you to catch me or else concrete floor will do," I giggle, fixing my outfit and walk away to leave him before awkward appears between us. I heard him say something but can't catch any words.

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