Chapter 22

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Nicholas POV

"You don't seem to be alright. Sounds hurt." I grab her hand on my laps and squeezing lightly full of care.

"I'm fine." She looks down.

I got to understand her little by her gestures to answer the sensitive questions. She never comfortable talking about family matters and personal things to anyone. She'll try so hard to divert the topic.

Even Robert doesn't know much about her personal life when I asked him about Becca. I happened to punch him in the face twice a week ago, my anger was at the peak rate when he did talked dirty about Becca. That was his gift though.

I reaches out my hands and hug her gently. "It's okay. You can share everything to me." I try to reassure her to be open to me.

She shakes her head sadly.

My heart hurts for her, her sadness mark its wound on my heart. "I understand."

I place my hand gently on her chin trying to pull her up to look at me, then I realized that she's crying. She's crying in silent. This is the first time I see her broken and vulnerable.

"Shhhh.... Don't worry I won't force you to talk about it." I find myself hugging her again. Her crying on my shoulder is better, I caressing her back passionately. Comforting her is what in my mind right now.

I don't know what happened to her but I'm sure the problems she handles were huge to pretend like nothing happened.

I let her crying on my shoulder untill she moves her head to look at me with her watery eyes. My thumb moves on its own way to swipe the tears on her cheeks.

"Thank you." She says in between hiccup.

"Don't keep it to yourself. I'm here with you."

Still hugging each other, my hands move to her waist while her hands lingering to my back tightly. "Why did you came here?"

Her question gets me off guard. I can't tell her the reason. It's too soon for her also for me. She's also in relationship with bastard Robert who's cheating on her.

"Nick?" She asks me again, "are you okay?"

"Yes, we were worry about you and decided to visit here." I tell her not lie at all.

"How is Joe and Angela?" Her eyes looking for answer, "and Robert? Did he ask about me?"

Oh God Becca, in this time why are you still thinking about Robert who's literally happy with his new girlfriend. I feel indirect rejection.

"Joe and Angela doing good, I don't know about Robert." I answer bitterly mentioned Robert's name.

"He must be busy." She says in low tone.

Yes, busy cheating on you!

"Probably," I give a short answer not wanting to make her upset.

Her grips loosen on me, she moves away and look straight to the door.

I'm confused, her actions is scared me. What if she really doesn't want me in romantic way. I tried to manage my emotions and say, "don't you want to company me to explore your city?"

Her eyes lighten by my question, she looks at me smiling. That's the smile that made me never able to forget her. That's the smile that got me real hard. That's the smile that drives me crazy to always see her from the first time I met her even when I have no idea who her name was.

"I will for sure. Wait here, lemme change my outfit." Then she walks away to her room.


Her family suggested that we should have picnic together to the nearest park. Hanna had prepared all the needs to do picnic. Emily was the driver, I couldn't agree because the park is pretty near but Becca insisted to use car instead.

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