Chapter 14

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I'm getting ready to meet Robert at the restaurant and Joe said he's on his way to my apartment. I take a last touch to my hair and walk outside to wait Joe in the living room. We had agreement to meet at seven sharp. I glance at the screen, six thirty, not to late. I tap my foot slightly on the concrete floor, worrying about what will happen later. I don't want break up with him, I love him.

I hear someone knocking on my door, I grab my purse and walk to the door. "Must be Joe," I murmur to myself and open the door revealing Joe standing with wide smile on his face.

"Hello beautiful," he greets showing his teeth.

"Hi handsome and I know that I'm beautiful, you don't have to tell me again." I lock the door and turn my heels walking down hallway placing the keys in my bag.

He's giggling in impeachable way.

We walk to the parking lot and get in the car to drive away to the restaurant. After sometime, the restaurant is in our sights. Joe's turned over to park his car, as soon as Joe turns off the machine, I take off the seatbelt and open the car door but Joe told me to wait.

"I will be the gentleman," he winks at me, opening the car door and doing small run to the my side.

He opens the car door putting his other hand on his stomach and bowing to let me get out of the car and then he reaches out his hand placing my hand on his. "Be careful princess," he says.

I chuckle grabbing his hand and walk to the restaurant with his hand on my waist.

"Get the favorite table princess!" He says more like demand.

I nod in amusement and scan the room to get the table. I walk to the favorite table and place my purse on the table waiting for Joe to come over. My phone is buzzing, I take it out to see Robert is on the screen. He texted me twice.

06:40 P.M
*Hey Bec, I'm sorry I can't make it. I got informed to attend important meeting for my class group.*

I read sadly and then move to another message.

06:45 P.M
*Bec, I hope you don't get mad. I promise next time I will meet you. See you!* 

So this is it, he cancelled in the last minute of our meeting. I feel my eyes burning as I blink rapidly not to let the tears drop and ruin my evening. At least I still can make it with Joe instead. 

Joe's smiling bringing drinks for us, he looks around and his eyes landed on the girl on the terrace on the restaurant.

"I hope you don't mind if I bring another company." He says taking a seat next to me. "When will Robert arrive?" He asks, stirs his cappuccino.

I sips my lemon tea, "I don't mind, who is your friend?" I answer ignoring his question about Robert.

He smiles, "she's new friend, I met her in the library couple days ago." He seems happy to talk about her. "There she is," pointing the girl that walking inside to restaurant waving at Joe.

Angela? How the hell Joe knows Angela?

Joe stands up gesturing Angela to come. They hug each other and Angela peck his cheek before she takes a seat. I smile at her, feels something sting inside me.

"Hi Becca, I didn't know you and Joe are friends." She says excited.

I shrug, "best friend. He is my bet friend." I try to laugh.

She nods understanding then look at Joe who's enjoying his cappuccino. "I met Joe at the library at the other days." Her eyes lighten up when she talks about Joe.

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