Chapter Four

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The drive took hours to reach the destination, the road was surrounded by trees and street lamps on the each side of the road to help the driver in the night when there's no moon light. No house or inn or small shop, literally just road and trees. Is this forest? Worry across my mind and I look at Joe who's still focus driving.

His car is slowing now and I can see house and people walk around and some couple in the inn enjoying their dinner. Joe stops his car next to small table with two guys sit behind the table, one of them holds the tickets and the other is counting money in the box in front of them. Joe nods and roll down the window to take the ticket from the small guy who's wearing heavy jacket and brown jeans with boots.

Joe rolls up the window and leave the guy to find spot for his car in the parking lot and stop next to the white car. He takes his bag from the back seat and grab his phone from the desk car.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

Joe stops himself and looks at me with wide smile, "we're going to picnic," he says. I am still confuse, I didn't bring anything just purse and phone. No jacket no tent or something to prop the picnic thing. "Don't worry," Joe reassure me just like he knows what is going on in my head.

He gestures me to look in the back seat. I move myself following Joe's direction and look all the equipment rest in the back seat. I have no idea when did he grab all of this stuff. I smile and take one of the bag but Joe hold me from my action. "I got it," he says grabbing the bag from my hand.

I move myself to open the car door to wait Joe takes out all the equipment. Joe's holding two bags and tent. He leads me to the stairs. It's literally stairs. I can't see the top of the stairs so it must be long walk. I pout and look around as people walk pass by, they don't bring many bag.

"Let me help you," I reach one of Joe's hand. He stares at me as his eyes can talk, I am fine. I am not giving up, I take one of his bag and pull it out from his hand until he let go. I smile proudly to myself and Joe pouts his bottom lip. I don't really care about it, I just wanted to help.

I walk each step of stairs happily, after ten minutes walk, I feel heavy, my feet is nomb. I stop myself and put the bag beside me. Joe is staring at me with small laugh. He shakes his head while wondering me sitting on the stairs. I glance at my watch on my hand and it's eight ten.

My stomach is growling. I press my stomach with two hands and look up at Joe with puppy eyes, he's still standing in front of me. He takes out bread from his bag and give it to me. I grab it and break into two pieces to give Joe a half. He shakes his head again and let me finish the bread alone.

"Let's go," as he picks the bag beside me and waiting for me to get up. I eat the rest of the bread and get up next to Joe.

We walk side to side with small conversation to accompany us. Not long after I can see the city from my place where I stand right now and the night breeze makes my body shivering.

I hold my hands in front of me and rub them up and down to get the heat. Joe takes off his jacket and put it on me. I freeze my hand from the movement and look at Joe, he smiles.

"Thank you," is all I can say.

He nods and scans the place to find the spot for our tent. He walks leaving me and puts the tent up after a while it's ready to use. One tent. I look at the tent again, one tent?. I walk close to Joe and poke his shoulder. "One tent?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sharing isn't big problem right?" His eyes meet mine. I look away and nod. He's my two years best friend, yet I'm still uncomfortable near him. He just too handsome to me. I hope after this picnic will make us closer,  I'll be more comfortable and confident around him.

"Do you want to grab food from the inn?" He looks at the inn in front of us. I follow his direction, "of course, I'm hungry. Remember?" I walk towards the inn with Joe's hand on mine.

"Sir, can we get chicken?" I ask the owner, he looks young and white with long curly hair.

He smiles at me and gestures to the menu on the wall. I smile back at him and look at the menu to read it. No chicken, just noodles and rice. Oh God.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask Joe.

"Noodle is fine."

I nod and read the menu one more time. I look at the owner, "two noodles and two glasses of hot lemon" I try to sound as soft as I can. The owner nods at me and turn his heels to the kitchen.

"This is the first time we're sleepover in the open place," I turn around to follow Joe looking at the city in front of us.

"Yes, I wish we come here often" he says softly without looking at me. I'm sure I can see smile on his face but I tell myself not to look at him either.

I nod and realize he can't see my nod so I change it in voice, "agree but next time we should bring two tents and I will bring my own jacket."

"Hey," he looks at me now "I'm happy to share tent and jacket with you"

"Not me," I don't look at him as he poke my cheek. I feel burn on my cheeks and I touch them with both my hands to hide the redness on my cheeks.

He smiles and move my hands down to my lap. He leans on me, closer, as I can feel his hot breath. He smells mint. This is the first time I am being this close to him. My heart is bouncing, to loud to make Joe can hear it. If I move my face to him I'm sure we will directly kiss to each other but I manage myself to look straight.

The owner brings us the drink and make Joe moves away from me to check on the owner and smile politely to him.

Thank God. I feel so relieved.

After sometime, we finished eating the dinner and walked back to our tent. I stare at the view from above, well this place is called paralayang. I don't know why they called that but I got the idea maybe because of the high of the place. The place is high enough to see all the city from above and cold enough to wear shirt without jacket. Hot lemon feels like normal temperature to me.

"Tomorrow is saturday, I'm sure you have no class or agenda either." Joe chuckle, "we can continue our journey tomorrow." He suggests and I nod at him.

"Let's take a picture," I suggest him, noticing that the cloud is almost taken the view away. Joe's standing up from his seat as he realizes the view is going to change soon. He takes camera from his bag and told me to stand next to him before he takes a few shoot.

"Don't you want a picture alone?" I ask him. He shakes his head then realize something.

"Do you?"

I look at him and nod slowly. He smiles and points the direction for me to stand so he can take a shoot. After many shoots of myself, I hold his hand and force him to smile to the camera with both of us in the frame.

Joe's walked over the tent and sits in front of the tent, "okay, enough for the pictures." He reaches out his hand to hold my hand. As I realize his action, I put my hands cross my arms over my chest and walk towards him.

He smiles and grabs my waist to guide me to sit on his laps as there's no more place to sit except concrete floor. "You better sit here," he chuckles and put his camera aside. I roll my eyes and he laughs softly.

"Stop your silly things Joe," I punch his arm lightly in amusement. He cringes apologetically. 

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