Chapter 11

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I spent two hours digging every word in the books that Mr. Nicholas told me as a punishment assignment. I got two books so far, needs three more as I still have six days to find so I am not worry about that.

I walked to my class with books that I borrowed from the library, as my class today is only two which is at ten and one thirty so I have plenty of time to do the assignment and do groceries shopping. I completely forgot that my phone is totally off since yesterday and I don't want to turn it on yet. If I want to meet Joe, I will just go to the science building and drag him out from there.

My class went like usually, nothing new or spectacular. Went to the class listening professor talking about something that I don't understand at all. I was thinking to skip lunch just to do my assignment and probably not wanting to meet someone might be from yesterday, you-know-who.

"Hey, Becca right" she turns her heels to me and walks by my side.

I force myself to smile, but it comes out just an awkward line. "Yes I am," try to answer as casual as possible.

"Nice," she smiles at me. "My name is Angela and we're in the same class for this semester" she told me as she pulls out her hand to shake mine.

I shake her hand in return, "that's great." I don't know if I sound bad but that's not my intention, well I just don't understand how to be nice with her, stranger.

"Where are you heading to?"

"Library," showing her some papers on my hand.

"Cool! Me too. I want...." she stops her step as she looks Mr. Nicholas walking toward us.

I look back at her with confusion, "what happened? You change your mind?" Try to joke with her, but I guess she doesn't get it.

She smiles pretend like she's cool.

Well you're not, my mind says.

"Becca!" Mr. Nicholas greets me as he walks closer to us, "what are you doing?"

I see him from my shoulder and smile, "hi Mr. Nicholas, we are about to go to the library. You know killing the time." I playfully answer him.

He stands next to us eyeing me and Angela, "making new friends huh?" His smirking face is annoying.

"Hi, Mr. Nicholas" Angela greets him groggily.

He looks at her smile. "Hi, and your name?"

I laugh slightly hearing him asking his student's name. Does he really didn't pay attention to his students at all or is this because he's new here?

"My...My name is Angela mister."

Girl don't be afraid of him, my mind's mocking her.

"We are going mister," this is awkward so better leave right.

He nods and walks away while waving his hands to us, "Enjoy the library girls." He eyes me carefully, "nice move." Right after he said the last words he gone to the room, I assumed is his room.

We continue walking  to the library and spend the rest of our time digging every words in the book. She looks into her book, maybe she's bookworm just like me. Well, I'm not bookworm but I prefer spend my time reading than making friends or simply gossiping with some gossiper students.

Crazy, I knew.

After finishing one book, she looks up at me curious. "You seem close to Mr. Nicholas."

I almost choke by the air around us, I watch her intensely and shake my head. "No, I just happened to meet him few times outside class."

She's nodding her head many times as reassuring herself.

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