Chapter Three

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Class was boring, the professor explained the history of Indonesian language and stuff about Language. I didn't get it but I managed to write something on my book to help me in future. I took the syllabus and wrote essay for this week, so I'm ahead, I think. I texted Robert ten minutes ago to tell him that I'm done with class.

I walked through the corridor to get food at canteen and stayed almost thirty minutes. I stand up and walk to the chair next to the parking lot, staring at my phone to check on Robert. I sigh and look up to the sky. The sky is clear only little and thin cloud walk by added the beauty on the sky as the sun works on its way to put the red color on the thin cloud.

I heard someone yelling at each other on another building, next to my building is politics building and they are popular with handsome and beautiful students. My face follows the voice but nothing, it seems the voice came from Inside the building.

I look at my phone again, this time I didn't check on Robert but Joe. As now is five o'clock, I wonder if Joe is still in the university. I waited one hour for Robert to pick me up until I gave up and texted Joe.

I scroll my Instagram wall and watch some videos to kill boredom. The noise is still going on, they seem fighting, maybe they're lover, I explain myself and focus on my phone again.

"Becca, over here!" Joe is waving his hand to get my attention. I look up to find him and run towards his car. He lets me in to his passenger seat. "You said you will go home by yourself," he's mocking me.

"Yeah, but Robert didn't show up"

"Robert?" He seems confused.

"Yes Robert my boyfriend," I explain.

His jaw is dropped to his legs, shocked, "aren't you break up with him?" He manages to sound cool but fail. I look away to the parking lot, "this morning he came to my apartment and asked for another chance."

"Oh," he doesn't seem happy to hear my explanation but decided not to press on me. He starts his car and leave the building.

He didn't say anything on the way to the apartment and he didn't even looked at me once. I was to focus thinking about Robert, why he didn't show up? Did he miss it by accident or purposely? All the possibility was going on in my head until I didn't realize my bestfriend was drive me home in silent and awkward.

Luckily my apartment and university is not far, twenty minutes by car and about one hour by my snail walk. I admit that I walk so slow, but not that I am slow, I just wanted to enjoy the surrounding.

I open the car door and was planning to call Robert and ask him what is going on with him to not show himself in my building as he promises. Joe's hand hold me, he looks at me and waits for me to sit down again. I follow his hand and look up at him for a while before I decide to sit.

He sighs and releases his hand on me, gestures to close the car door. I nod and close the car door and face him again. He touches his back hair, I don't know if he feels uncomfortable but it sure looks like that.

"Why did you decide to give him another chance?" He finally says.

His question makes me off guard. Why did I gave him another chance? I ask myself again. I am not sure I know the answer. I am in love with him, I guess.

I guess? Is that about guess? More questions in my head.

Joe looks at me patiently waiting for my answer. Joe does really look handsome in every way. I never heard him talking about his crush or relationship. He always talked about projects, movies, jokes, his experiences with university or his group of science.

Now I'm doubted myself for being a good friend to him.

"Becca!" He leans on me and waves his hand. I smile to distract him but he's waiting for my answer.

"It's....." I sigh and look at the tree in the parking lot in front of Joe's car. "I thought by giving him another chance will help me from this miserable time" I stop myself and look at Joe who's still staring at me.

"Why didn't you tell me this four months is hard for you?" Joe stops picking the right words to say and continue "you were happy this whole time like you used to be when you were with him. I really have no idea that you're tremendously sad," Joe is looking down at his hand and picking at his finger.

Guilty is taken over me by seeing my bestfriend looks bad for himself. I take his hands and look at him softly. "I didn't want to bother you with my relationship. It was nothing compared to your own problems"

Joe looks up at me, his eyes is watery but still looking good on him. "I'm sorry," I tell him and meant it.

"No, don't apologise. Don't blame yourself for everything." He takes a deep breath and says, "I should have known you were sad over the break up. I just have no idea because you don't look sad at all."

Joe moves his gaze to look at the front car. "I hope you did the right thing by giving him another chance," he force to smile but comes out awkward.

I nod and smile at him. "Let's hangout and forget about this," I try to lighten up the situation. He's still looking at the front car and nod. Great.

"I will get changed and put these books inside," I tell him and leave the car. The hallway is empty and I find myself thinking about Robert again. What is happening to me, I tell myself. Robert is not my world so stop thinking about him.

I stop in front of my door and take keys from my bag to open the door. I sigh roughly looking at the living room and toss my bag on the couch. I walk straight to my bedroom and get changed in quick time and not to forget to check on my hair and my makeup.

I practice myself to smile in the mirror and grab my purse on the bed and leave to meet Joe outside.

I grab the car handle and open it. Joe is looking at his phone watching his favorite show, what if. That's also my favorite actually. I take a sit and close the car door and now Joe's attention is on me. He smiles and looks happy, I guess the show does help lighten his mood. I nod at him and we leave the parking lot to our favorite spot in the city, park.

"You look beautiful with a bunny hair"

I watch my bestfriend and a smile is on his face now. I shake my head, "owww c'mon, you know I'm always beautiful, mister handsome," I tease him. He laughs by my answer and I'm happy to see him laughing.

"Yes, you are" he's still laughing. I poke his shoulder and he laughs harder. I join him laugh together.

"I miss us laughing like this," I tell him. He looks at me for a while before he focuses himself on the road again. I look outside the window and see we pass the park. I look at him directly, "where are we heading to?"

"You will see," he said softly. I nod and smile. Joe's full of surprise and I love him for that. 

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