Chapter One

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"I wish we could have one last phone call." My fingers stop when I reminded myself about what he did. The message itself sounds childish, I can't even imagine what will he thinks when he got to read my messages.

Damn it.

I feel my cheeks are getting burned, my heart aches only to remember him. I'm trembling lightly. I can't cry here, not in front of students that might show up anytime.

Deleted the message before I can go any further and do something stupid that I will regret.

Today is 20th February, that means four months after break up. He said he doesn't want to break up and always wanted to be with me no matter what happen in future, but I received the opposite of his words. He's totally disappeared right after break up. What a life!. I don't blame him, I just can't help myself.

I need to move on, if he's happy after break up with me that means love was never existed in our relationship. But here I am being miserably sad and keep thinking about him whenever I'm alone. Crying over him for not reaching me anymore.  

"Becca!" Someone calls in deep voice yet masculine, made me off guard. I put my happy face on as usual. Moving myself to follow the voice.

Joe is walking to me with books on his hands. He loves to read books, his favorite is science, no wonder he chose science for his study. He wears blue shirt and black jeans with white sneakers. He looks handsome with those grey eyes.

"Becca," Joe repeats himself when he's standing next to me.

I can't help but smile while returning his greeting "yeees joe"

"What are you doing in science building?" He teases me, grinning.

"Just happened to be here" I stroke out my tongue and begin to walk to the parking lot.

I met Joe at the office when I gathered the documents for my scholarship. He seemed nice and most importantly he talked to me first.

I don't make friends until now, yet I'm in second year. He's the only friend that I always hangout with and stick together like glue. Funny.

"Wanna have a dinner outside?" He asks me just like always, he always invites me to dinner when he gets a chance and I always say yes. It's hard to decline my only friend or I can say best friend.

"Which restaurant this time?"

"Your favorite" he says with a wide smile on his face.

God, every girl definitely scream to be his girlfriend. He's really handsome.

He opens the passenger seat for me before puts all of his books in the back seat of his car. Well, I always visit him when I finish my class first or he'll visit me when he does. This is like a habit for us. I don't drive so he drives me everywhere. He's not my driver but he always offers me.

I glance at my watch and it's five past ten, so with thirty minutes driving it'll make the dinner sounds perfect to me. My schedule about food is strict yet I still find my weight is over standard.

The drive is silent. Joe focus on the road and I'm staring at my phone.

"I heard you got new project" I start the conversation to break the silent.

Joe seems off guard but manage to be cool like always. He looks at me for a while and focus on his road again.

"Yeah, but I think I'll just skip this time." He sounds off.

I'm trying not to press him but my curiosity is like a mountain.

"What happened?" I am staring at Joe now.

"Will tell you later"

I got the hint. Don't ask any more questions Becca, I tell myself. trying to smile but it comes out awkward. The rest of the drive is silent like usual.

Ten minutes later he stops the car in the parking lot in the restaurant area. I can't hide my happiness to see my favorite restaurant since last two years. I love the food in here and the service is great, they're all balance. The restaurant is not big but warm inside. I read the description about the restaurant on the wall outside the restaurant. The building is old, 1993, and the owner is Solo origin. Plus, they sell the same food from the beginning, no wonder the food is extraordinary and always full of people, young or old.

I open the car door and rush to the restaurant, looking for the table for us and wait for Joe to order the food. He doesn't need to ask me what I want to order because he knows me so well. He sounds like a great partner but he's not my lover, just a friend.

"Over here" I wave my hand to make Joe see me. He smiles and nods at me. He got it, I say to myself.

He walks toward me with two glasses of lemon tea on his hands. Again, my favorite drink. "Next to the window?" He asks me and puts the glass in front of me.

"Yeah, the favorite table is taken" I glance at the table with three teenager sit there enjoying their food.

Joe laughs softly. "this spot is nice though," he try to reassure me.

"Yes" is all I can say.

Again, silent.

I don't know how can we are friends from the first place, we don't talk much but we never separate from each other.

The waiter comes to our table with foods on his hands. He smiles at us while placing the food on our table. He seems know the order since we come here frequently. I think they also familiar with our appearance.

"Your favorite miss," he says with a soft smile on his face.

I look at the plate, the chicken looks delicious and the grill vegetables are making me can't wait to eat them. My mouth is drooling.

"Thank you," I'm sure big smile is on my face now. The waiter excuses himself and lets us enjoy the food.

Joe seems enjoying his food without any word comes out from him. I don't want to press him and follow him enjoying the food.

After all the silent and the food is finished. I told Joe that this time is on me. He doesn't want to agree but I insist and tell him he can pay next food.

"Wanna go to another place?" When we are outside the restaurant to the parking lot. He seems really off. I don't know what to answer but nod.

"Any suggestion?" Again he asks me.

I let myself to think a while. Stand next to the car with phone on my hand, I look on my feet. "Will you tell me?" Ignoring his question.

"The place?" He asks me again. Is he really not get it?

"You seem off, what happened?" I face him now and he looks at me right in the eyes. He doesn't answer.

"Share?" I press

"The project needs me to go to another city for month, that means I won't be here with you" he finally explain.

Should I be happy or worry? Project is important to help his grade. "I'm okay" I reassure my best friend.

He shakes his head "no don't, I will take another project later." Now he leans on me with his hand on the car door.

Opening the door and help me to get inside the passenger seat. What a gentleman!

"Don't cancel any project for me." I frown at him, "your study is more important than me. I would do the same if I were you."

He rolls his eyes. "I will consider your opinion for the next project." Closing the door and do small run to the driver seat.

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