Chapter 13

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I walk by myself to the university with bunch of stuff I want to do today. The morning air is just everything. The city I'm in is not a big city or similar like capital city, Indonesia has many big city and crowded to make store considering to open non stop.

This city is still green and feels much like nature, trees everywhere, less pollution, mid-crowded category also Solo city is known as Batik city for a reason which the main income people here is producing Batik and give bigger contribution to introduce Batik to people.

Well, every city in Indonesia has it's own Batik style but Solo city is way popular about their Batik, the people are just proud about it.

The first spot that I want to reach is garden in front of my department building. Somehow it became my favorite place so far and library in second place in the university.

"What is good for breakfast today?" I murmur to myself, looking around the shops which few of them are still close. Shops usually open at nine in the morning near my university but some open early for students to grab breakfast. They're just nice.

My decision comes to small shop which is selling breakfast menu, I don't really know because I never went to the store. I walk inside and find some students eating their breakfast with their friends or just alone.

"Sir, one breakfast and take out." I tell the owner sincerely, smiling to make my request smoother.

He nods, "alright miss. You may wait a bit, I will call you when it's ready."

I nod and walk to the chair next to the window facing the street. People are busy passing by, honking over to get their fastest way, some students are running to catch the morning class, and right there I spot Robert holding hands with the same beautiful girl smiling and enjoying their morning.

My blood is boiling up to my head, I want to explode. I look away immediately. Image of him going out with her is like a horror movie, I don't want to watch but my curiosity force me to know everything.

Robert doesn't bother to text or call me after the fight in the garden that evening. Maybe he dumped me without a word.

I understand.


"How was your dinner last night?" She starts, chewing scramble eggs that I bought separately from my breakfast box. Angela has joining me having breakfast and of course she doesn't bring her own food.

"Nice," I answer simply as I am a bit annoyed by her eating my breakfast.

Her eyes sprinkling, they're like telling me to spill the details. I sigh and continue, "thanks to you, the dress was awesome so they didn't bother to throw me a ton of questions. Surely they did love me." I put a spoon food inside my mouth.

"See! I told you the dress is awesome," she says excited.

"Yup." Simply say.

She nudges me with her elbow, "is Joe love the dress?"

My eyes widen by hearing her question. "A hundred percent, he loved the dress and me" as I point out myself. "He does love everything I wear, don't you worry about that." I blink on her playfully.

"Does he love you in romantic way?"

I cough and grab water bottle faster, after I feel better I glare at her angrily. "What are you talking about? Joe's my best friend and will always be!" I breathe trying to relax.

"Chill girl, I was just asking." She says in low voice just like whisper.

"I have a boyfriend." I say sadly.

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