Chapter 17

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I hear mom and Hanna crying holding each hand of mine. I open my eyes slowly, realization hit me that I'm not in my room but hospital. Mom seems surprised to find me awake, then Hanna cries out loud hugging me.

"I will call doctor." Mom says, leaving the room.

"Are you okay sis? You were in coma for nearly two hours" Her voice sounds scared and weak.

I smile weakly at her squeezing her hand before she let go and doctor takes her part to check on me.  Doctor Suzie, I read her name tag.

"Alright miss Cooper, you need full rest and if everything remains good, you can go home tomorrow." She tells me while checking my pulse.

"Alright doc, thank you so much."

"You need to rest, tomorrow I will check on you again. Good night miss Cooper." She excuses herself to talk to my mom outside the room.

After sometime mom and Hanna walk inside in hesitation to see me. I was about to close my eyes but seeing them so worried making me feel bad to leave them to sleep.

Hanna sits on the right side squeezing my hand with worry in her eyes. Mom is in the opposite seat, she looks vulnerable. Watching me with watery eyes, her eyes already red, guess she cried for long hours.

"I'm fine, doctor said I am allowed to go home tomorrow." I reassure them. "Mom, you and Hanna should go home. I will be fine."

"No!" She says holding her tears. "We will go home together tomorrow. Hanna if you want to go home, you can go." Her gaze is focused on my sister who's refused to do as told.

"There's no place for you and mom to sleep in here. I promise I will be better, just come back tomorrow." I try to make them understand that I'm fine, but they seem stubborn not wanting to leave.

"Home will be no home when you're here needed us the most." Hanna says crying.

My hand caressing her hand try to comfort her, my heart is hurt seeing two people I love is broken like this. Even after I'm out from the hospital, there still another problem we should deal with.

"It's okay darling, we can sleep on the couch." Mom's pointing the couch next to the wall. "We just need to be strong together."

I and Hanna nod in the unison. "You should sleep sis, we will be right here if you need anything." Hanna says standing and walking towards the couch.


Early morning doctor visited my room informing us that I'm good to go. With joy Hanna and mom stand from their seat and start packing stuff from the cupboard ready to leave.

Mom told Hanna to wait in the room because she needs to fill the documents for bills and medicine for me. Well I got two stitches on my head but doctor said the wound is not deep so it'll be recovering soon and the stitches will fade right after.

Hanna drove us home, stopped by MacDonald to buy some fried chicken for breakfast. Sounds bad but we are exhausted, no more energy left to cook. After got everything in hand, Hanna continued to drive home.

"Darling, don't forget to drink your medicine. Doctor said it'll help a lot." Mom's advise is all I love. Wish dad also be this good to us, so my life will be joy not sorrow.

Hanna glances at us gesturing to the house, "home sweet home!" She says excited, forcing smile on her face.

"Alright alright, mom needs cold shower. It's sticky." She pulls her shirt lightly and walks to the house to open the door.

"Lemme help you," Hanna walks towards me and puts her hand on my arm to help me with another hand holding our bag.

As we walk to my room, I heard mom sobbing from the bathroom. We have two shared bathroom, one on the first floor and the other one is in the second floor.

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