Chapter Five

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His body is big enough to block the breeze and he does smell good like vanilla, my favorite flavour. His hands around my waist while staring at the city that almost gone by the cloud. I sit on the concrete floor pretty close to him and it feels better than his laps.

I'm thinking something to distract myself. I glance to my phone and found miscalls and texts from Robert. I move myself to grab my phone from my purse inside the tent.

"Robert was called and texted me many times," as I sit in the tent and moved my focus on my phone, ignoring Joe outside.

"You may call him back," he suggests but something behind his tone.

I nod and call Robert without hesitation. My two calls went to the voicemail. I look up at Joe again, "he didn't answer"

"He's sleeping maybe," Joe doesn't bother to look at me. He sighs and continue "what time is it? Ten?" He asks me again.

I check my phone and realize it's a ten fifteen. Late night.

Joe sighs and leans into me as I didn't answer his last question, "Is it late already?"

I nod, "yes, it is"

Joe stands up from his seat after cleaning the area and put the stuff in the bag and placed it in the tent. "May I come in?" He leans his head inside the tent. I'm not sure whether to let him come in or not. But we don't have another tent.

I nod as he stepped inside and sit next to me. He opens his another bag and takes out pillow and blanket. "Ready to sleep?" He gestures myself to take the pillow from his hand.

I take the pillow groggily, "yes, thank you" I turn around to prepare myself to sleep.

"Good night Becca!" He says and I can hear him laugh softly before he lays down next to me. I sleep on the left side so my back is facing him.

I can't sleep even though my body feels tired. An hour feels longer than I expected, yet I am hardly fall asleep. I hear a noice coming from outside, some visitors are walking by and talking about the disappointment because the cloud took over the view tonight. I take out my phone and check the time, it's twelve in the morning and I'm still awake. I move myself slowly, afraid to wake Joe up.

"Not sleep yet?" Joe asks me in sleepy voice. I ignore him and try to sleep again. Joe moves himself to face my back, "what happened?"

I take a deep breath and sigh, "nothing just not sleepy yet." I lie.

"Wanna hear music or e-book?"

"No, it's okay. I will sleep soon." I yawn to fake my sleepiness.

Joe seems sleeping again after saying good night. After a while, finally my eyes feel heavy and I'm drowning in sleep. 

The crowded woke me up from my sleep. I feel warm. Is the sun up already? I open my eyes slowly and realize that I'm resting on Joe's shoulder and his hands hugging me. My hand splays on him too. What did I do in the night? Panic takes over me. I move my hand slowly but Joe's hand getting tighter.

"Ummm, Joe" I whisper, Joe doesn't move. I move my head up slightly and a voice comes out from Joe's but I can't hear it clearly.

"Joe wake up"

I see he slowly open his eyes. His hands still hugging me. I wait for him to gather his consciousness and finally he's getting himself back.

"Ohh sorry Becca, I didn't know that..." He silent as I get up and sit next to him then looks around and back to me.

This is awkward.

I smile at him but he looks away.

What!? Why did he look away?

"I'm sorry," I finally say.

Joe's sitting next to me, we're close. Really close as I can feel his warmth on me. He moves to unzip the tent and gets out to see the sunrise. He looks inside as I'm still sitting there getting my mind together, he waves his hands in front me and I look at him. Smile.

Why? What is wrong with me?

"Come outside, the view is great." He smiles at me a beautiful smile. God, he's handsome even with a messy hair. "and don't forget the camera," pointing to the bag in front of me.

I nod to take the camera out, handed it to him. I wipe my face with my hands and clear my thoughts as I start to get up and join Joe who's taking pictures of the sunrise. I stand next to him and walk a little further from the tent to take the best view of the city and the sunrise.

"Let's take a picture together," he says

I just realized that my best friend, Joe, is love to take a picture. I wonder how many pictures of me already taken since last night.

I stand myself while thinking what style should I pose now as he leans into me and smile to the camera at the last second. "Oh nooo," I frown from his annoying behavior and punch his arm slightly.

Smile is forming on his lips and gesturing me to get close to him before he take another shoot. He turns to face the view and laugh while enjoying the sun which is about to creep out to shine the beautiful earth. I move my head in front of him and look up at him, "what's so funny?"

He looks at me with joy on his face, "you are funny."

I pretend myself to cough and move back to avoid his eyes. I am about to hit his shoulder but he catches my hand. My eyes move to his eyes, he leans into me and gently kiss my cheek. I move back as he is about to kiss my lips. He clear his throat and let go my hand.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you," he says look straight to the city.

"It's okay." I turn around to the tent to gather bathing stuff. I walk next to Joe, "I'm going to the bathroom," and excuse myself not wanting to see Joe's face as he eyes me.

I spent about thirty minutes in the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Grabbed Joe's bag and took out his hoodie to change my clothes. I saw myself in the mirror to check my makeup and fixed my bunny hair before I leave.

While waiting for my breakfast to get ready, I lazily checked on my phone, no notification from Robert. feels disappointed by the way he treated me.

The owner of the inn walks toward us with two plates on his hands. Bright smile on his face. Joe stands up and gently takes the plates with wide smile. The owner nods and leave. Joe gets back to sit next to me and hands me the plate.

"This is nice," Joe breaks the silent. After the kiss accident, no words came out from both of us.

"yes this is great" I answer still focusing on my food.

Again, silent and awkward.

After sometime we finished the food, Joe stood up and took our plates and leave to the inn. Brought water bottle when he came back to me.

I pack all our stuff and get ready to leave. I look at Joe still folding the tent. I sigh and look away. The image of joe kissed my cheek and... I shake my head not wanting to continue my imagination.

"Ready," Joe informs me and grabs the bags from my hands. I jump a little by his action.

"Sorry," is all I say.

He nods.

I don't like this silent, the kiss thing is ruining our picnic. Blabbering myself. I wonder if we should continue our planning or just go straight home. He is handsome, really handsome. He will get girlfriend easily, he doesn't like me in romantic way. we're just friends, best friend!.

Ugh what is happening now. C'mon Becca, Rebecca Cooper, you have a boyfriend, you love Robert so much that's why you forgive him and gave him another chance. I tell myself.                   

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