Chapter Seven

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I'm standing in the parking lot in front my apartment. Waiting for my best friend Joe to pick me up. This morning is great, better than yesterday, I could say so because I woke up at five in a happy mood. The reason was Robert texted me and said that he can't wait to see me today and hangout after class. That's progress, right.

I kept grinning when I showered myself, also when I put make up on. He is really my mood booster. I wear my favorite outfit, navy shirt with long sleeve and black jeans plus pink hoodie on.

I checked on my phone before leave the room, it was seven five and my class will be start at eight sharp. I need to grab breakfast before heading to class. Hope Joe will be here soon.

I called Joe twice but he didn't answer, I'm getting worried now. Joe never late or worse break his promise, not in entire friendship with me. I decided to give a text asking where he is. I glance at my watch, seven fifteen. I call him again, luckily he answers in second ring.

"Umm hi Becca, sorry I overslept." He sighs and sounds guilty. "I'm heading off to your apartment now." I hear him starting his car.

"Yup, it's okay. I was thinking to grab breakfast before class but I will just take it after first class."

He doesn't answer, but chuckles instead. I raise my eyebrow in confusion, "what?"

"Nothing, I'll be there in thirty minutes" he says laughing.

I wave my hand in the air as I question him, "thirty minutes? Aren't you supposed to be here about twenty minutes?" I frown and continue, "your house and mine is not that far, Joe"

He laughs, "I knew, see you there" he cut the call, leave me in confuse.

Joe's living with his family, his mom is a professor in the same university as us and his father is a lawyer. Joe has one younger sister and one elder brother. His sister, Taylor, is eighteen years old and study in high school, about to graduate actually. His big brother twenty four years old, Michael, is working as a chef in a fancy restaurant.

Even though I knew more information about his family, I never meet or visit his house. Just don't feel necessary to visit him, he always visit me in my apartment or we hangout together. I think that's enough.

I go inside the lobby waiting for Joe. I put earphone on listening to Backstreet Boy title is i want it that way and some random songs in my music list. I jerk away as I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Chill Becca, it's just me" Joe's laughing his heart out. I look over my shoulder and join him laughing together.

I stand up next to him and punch his arm lightly, I peek at the parking lot to see his car but nothing. "Where's your car?" I tried to calm but couldn't stop laugh.

He points the blue sedan car next to the white car, "Over there!" I follow his direction and roll my eyes, "who's car you drive today? And what happened with yours?"

He holds my hand and continues to talk as we walk towards the car, "my bro's car, mine is home as I can't find the key" he opens the car door for me and walks to the driver seat. "I told you I overslept right," he remains me when he's about to start the car.

I nod in agreement.

On the way to the university, joe told me about his weekend with his family, they went to the capital city to meet his relative which had a wedding ceremony on sunday and flight back home right after the wedding done, sunday night. That's why Joe was late this morning.

He stops the car in front my building. I was about to get out the car before he hand me a breakfast box. I eye the box and him.

"Breakfast," his voice is soft and his smile is beautiful. "I didn't cook, but my bro cooked the pancake. He insisted though plus I am not a pro cook" he explains.

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