Chapter 18

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Nicholas POV

"I can't believe my mind is crazy thinking about Rebecca." I murmur under my breath. Hoping no one listens as I'm sitting at her favorite table in the restaurant.

Five days without her existence feels like torture. The first time I met her was by accident, it was magical. Later on that day I found out her name from Mr Steven, he told me to be his assistant for the semester because he needs to finish his study.

I always remember the way she laughed while scanning my appearance. Her laugh keeps playing again and again in my head like a music.

At first I thought it was just a silly things that happened to me because I was just broken, but as I get to know her better, it grows fertile in my heart. Without my realization, I'm deeply interested in her.

"Joe!" I call him, waving my hand telling him to come over.

He nods at me and leads Angela on his side. They both do really have connections to each other.

"Mister, how are you? I haven't seen you today" Angela states taking a seat next to Joe.

"I was busy here." Gesturing around me.

"What do you mean here?" Joe asks, frowning his eyebrows together curious by my statement.

"I work here, family business you know."

Angela mouth is wide with 'O', shocked by my declaration. "So mister is the owner of this restaurant?" She asks again making sure.

I nod watching Joe and Angela in a shift, "I watched Rebecca time by time," I smile and look at Joe,  "and you Joe."

"So you know us since long time ago?" Joe folds his hands over his chest.

I shake my head, "no I don't know your name or digging information about you and Becca. Just simply know that you both eat here often."

"Ohhh... I thought you were a stalker." Joe and Angela laugh together.

"Hell! Of course no. Why would I stalk my costumer. But sure I wish I could stalk Becca longer." I say teasing them. Again they burst into laughter, finally I join them laughing.

I rise my hand signaling the waiter to come and pick our order. Joe and Angela ordered their meal as soon as the waiter asked them. I don't have mood to eat, I'm still curious about Becca.

"Have you heard about Becca?" I ask them hiding my interest.

They both shake their head in unison. My heart drop knowing Becca is not in contact with her best friend.

"Do you know where is she?"

Now Joe makes his voice heard. "She's in her hometown. She told me family emergency, but not telling specific."

"Yes, we are worry. She never ignore our call or text. Joe called her many times still no reply. Yesterday when we tried again, her call went to voicemail. Seems she turned off her phone." Angela stirs her mocha latte slowly, her eyes begin to watery.

Joe reaches out his hand caressing her back up and down gently. "She will be alright. Trust her." Joe reassure her.

My heart is aching knowing Becca is no where to be found plus no information about her.

Waiter is coming with food on his hands and placing them in front of joe and Angela. I nod at him telling him everything is alright, once he got the hint he walks to the kitchen doing his job.


I couldn't concentrate on my job nowadays. My mind kept shifting to Becca, Wondering how is she doing now. My mother told me to join her on vacation in London, she doesn't like to see her children in stress. I had to assure her that everything is alright.

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