Chapter 12

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I wear the dress that Angela picked for me for the small party at Joe's house. The gown has off shoulder type not to tight and a little bit under my knees. I agreed with her choice because the color is my favorite, soft pink. She also chose black casual heels to prop the gown. I told her I don't like to look fancy that's why she chose the casual outfit for me. She told me to curly my hair and put makeup on. She's really best for this girly things.

Take a final look in the mirror and nod to myself proudly, beautiful. I walk out to grab my purse on the bed and check my phone in case Joe called me already.

Lightly I hear the door knocked, I guess Joe's is here. I take a small run excitement by my thought that Joe is in the door waiting for me.

"Coming!" I grab the handle door, breathe before open the door and see Joe smiles to me, sweet, he's scanning myself a while and nods.

"Wow!" His eyes say that he's surprised by my appearance, "you look...." He makes a hand up and down in front of me, "...ravishing."

He knows that I will not wear something fancy or outstanding because all he got to know my style as a modest one, shirt and jeans. So this is the first for me to wear something middle short and showing my skin this much.

"Don't be extravagant!" I cover my face with my hands, hiding my pinky cheeks.

"C'mon, lemme see your beautiful face." He teases and watches me with smirking face.

I shake my head shyly.

"Okay let's go before we get late." He grabs my hand and walks me to the hallway.


I gasp freeze in front of his house, the house is beautiful and elegant. It made by stone, wood, and glass. The stone as the wall is dominant and somehow it looks really well with the glass in some space as the open place adding classy touch of the house. The wood in some areas made the house warmer and homey.

The yard is flowering and stones as the main shining in the house and yard, plus the trees around the house made it looks way into nature but classy. The concept really nice and warm. I don't know if my description is easy to process because this is hard to see in the night, of course the lights help a lot.

Joe's standing in the door waiting for me to come in. "Becca, let's get in. They're waiting." He gestures me to step further.

"Oh sorry, your house distracted me." smile playfully and lingering my hand to his hand then walk inside the house to meet his family in the dining room.

"Whoa, your family is amazing. They are probably always laughing and never be sad right."

Joe shakes his head and leans into my ear, "they are just human being who has emotions."

I punch his arm and giggling, "they're your family for god sake. Talk nice about them."

He is rolling eyes in amusement. "I didn't say anything bad though."

His mom stands up from her seat as she saw us walking towards them. She smiles beautifully and open her arms to welcome his son and me.

"Here's my boy with..." narrowing her eyes to her son asking about the girl next to him, me.

"Mom," Joe childishly answer making m sounds longer. "She's my best friend Becca," he check on me and set his eyes to his mom again, "I told you about her so many times, Indeed."

I smile sincerely to his mom.

She hugs Joe and look at me over Joe's shoulder, "you should invite her often. I'm happy to have her here." She said as she let go her son and walks to me to hug me next.

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