Chapter 25

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I sit at the garden in front of my department building early morning before the class even begin. I woke up really early this morning and took my time to cook breakfast for me then walked to the university with earphone to company my morning walk.

"Today should be great," murmur to myself as putting spoon of scramble eggs into my mouth.

Students walk around the garden to the inside building, some of girls giggling to each other when a handsome student walk by. Sure, we are in university now. Those actions are just for teenager highschool, I guess.

"Becca!" Angela shouts from afar, doing small run towards me with few books on her hands.

I wave my hand to her as well, smiling and welcoming her morning charm.

"You look beautiful like me," she says once she's sitting in front of me. With all her confidence, she complimented me but herself.

"Sure sure," I roll my eyes. "You are the only beautiful girl here." Gesturing between her and me.

She chuckles.

"What's for breakfast?" Pointing my breakfast box.

Holding my spoon up then swirling it slowly. "Oh it's a burger." I reply sarcastically with a small smirk on my face. She moves her eyebrows up. "Clearly it's scramble eggs my angel!" I shout at her, her question is not needed.

She pouts her lips together. "Not funny!" Shoving a small eggs to her mouth with her fingers.

"Ewww, that's nasty. You didn't even wash your hand."

Her laughter getting loud. "You know what Indonesian people said?" I narrowed one eye watching her intentionally. "They said it's vitamin!" She laughs historically, slamming the table in soft motion.

I really have no comment over her nonsense theory, that's no where vitamin in a dirty hand.

"It's a joke, Becca. A joke for a lazy people," she correct her statement before. Then handing me a couple of books.

"Are those notes?" I ask while taking the books.

She nods.

"Thank you. I will make sure to return the books before you even need them." I reassure her, that means I need to stay late night to copy all her notes to be quick.

She nudge my hand giving me hint with her eyes that moving to the right side of her. I follow her eye direction to find Mr Nicholas walking towards us. As usual he looks miraculously handsome and cool. He's literally still miles away from us but his gaze never leave our place.

His smile getting clear with every step he takes. My hand spontaneously waving at him without my mind can process. I try so bad to hold the smile on my face, but the small smile leaving its place.

"A prince is here!" Angela says, watching him then back to me.

I feel no need to reply her stupid comment, rather focus on him. Him? Oh sure, his magic is heavy to possess me. Somehow by talking to him made me forget about what I always am ensuring myself and everyone that 'I love Robert and need him only'.

"Hello Angela," he greets her with wide smile showing his beautifully white teeth. 

"Hi Mr Nicholas." Angela replies, smiling at him happily.

He returns her smile warmly and move his attention to me.

Moving his gaze up and down on me, his eyes dancing with joy. "Hello Rebecca, nice to see you today."

"Good morning Nick, nice to see you too." I manage to keep cool. His appearance is stunning, my thought says.

"See you at lunch." And with that he walks away but winking at me over his shoulder without Angela noticed.

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