Chapter 24

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My favorite thing on plane is when it's about to take off and landing. I found it great and challenging, you know the way the plane move faster to take off is incredibly good experience.

Mr Nicholas' seat was in the front seat and mine was in the back seat as well. Two hours before another hour on the plane to reach Solo city. We're in Semarang now, waiting for the next flight.

"Wanna have a souvenir from this airport?" He asks me while scanning the area, probably looking for his favorite thing to buy.

Grabbing my bag and stand up followed by him. I shake my head, "No. The price is hella expensive here."

"Let's move around. We should get something for us." He suggests, holding my hand then walking to the nearest store.

"We had enough from my city, I don't think that's necessary to buy another thing for us."

"Oh c'mon Becca, don't you worry about things. Memories are important." He smiles at me making my heart melting.

Damn you easy heart, shouldn't easily to blush over anything he did!!

I don't like to waste money on something that is not necessary, plus now I need to arrange my own resource for living. "Alright, not too expensive!" I ended up agree on him.

With a wide smile, showing all his teeth. He walks inside the store full of shirts and bracelet. He takes one shirt then showed to me to ask for my opinion.

First of all, my attention drawn to the price tag, it was five hundred rupiah. I gasp knowing the price is as expensive as the flight from Bengkulu city to Jakarta city. This is insane!

"Hell expensive! Big no!" I wave my hand declined the shirt eagerly.

He laughs softly then placing the shirt back. He takes another cute black shirt, it's a couple shirt.

"What do you think?" He shows me both the shirt and continues, "we can wear this to the university."

"Lemme check...." He cuts me off as I was about to flip the tag price.

", not again please" he quickly moves the shirts away from me.

I groan rolling my eyes irritated by him. "Alright take that cute shirt!"

For once, expensive shirt just for once.

"Thank you." He winks at me then gone to the counter to pay the shirt.

"Hey wait!" I run after him to the counter. "You didn't allowed me to choose the size!" I pout my bottom lip.

"Alright which size do you want?" He asks me laughing softly.

"XL please."

His eyes widen, "are you sure XL?" He seems confused.

I nod my head yes, then turn my heels to find another size for me.

"I thought your size is L?"

"I am into huge shirt now a days." I tell him moving one shirt to another to find the size that I wanted.

"Ahhh this size is what I'm looking for!" I show him proudly. "See how it falls to my knees"

"Yes it is. You look cute as well." He complement me again, making me blush red like a boiled lobster.


"It was a long flight ever." He complaints as soon as we get our suitcases.

I place my suitcase to the trolley and his as well. He insisted that he's the one who should take care of the suitcases, but I told him if he pays the shirt, I will be the one who take care of the suitcases. I don't like a free stuff.

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