Chapter Eight

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Mr. Nicholas called me after class and gave me lecture for my undisciplined attitude. He gave me extra assignment as a punishment. I am not allowed to be late again and should resume all the books that he mentioned for my punishment assignment.

He's kinda cruel to punish someone but I deserve it though. A week for two assignments. That's okay but the punishment assignment is kinda hard for me, need more time to complete. I should stay in the library for days to read and find the books he mentioned.

I'm heading off to the canteen as soon as he finished his private lectures to me. On the way, I saw some girls gossiping. The hallway was half full with students who just sit there with their group, some of them whisper to each other then giggling. Enjoying their free times too much.

I scanned the food in front of me for few minutes before I pick one chocolate cake. A small smile is forming on my face as I turn around to find table for me to eat but unfortunately all tables are full.

My eyes drifted to the corner, There's one table in the corner, no one sit there but the table is half full with the food. I walk towards the table.

"Hopefully the person who sit here is gone" I murmur sincerely.

I look around near the table for the second time to check the owner, nothing. No hint for the owner existence. With a smile I put my plate and bottle neatly on the table and take a seat.

As I begin to eat the cake, I hear someone's footsteps toward me. Maybe another student behind me move here and there, my mind tells me. I continue to eat the cake ignoring the students behind me.

"What are you doing here?" A manly voice breaks the silent mode I made to eat the cake. I look up and find out Mr. Nicholas is standing across the table with crossed hands on his chest. I nearly choke by the cake, that's incredibly embarrassing choke by a cake.

"Is... Is this your table sir?" I begin to stumble, my voice's slow almost no voice comes out.

He nods and takes a seat clearly amusing by me.

"I'm sorry, the tables are full so I thought the person in this table is already leave." I smile in an attempt to reassure Mr. Nicholas, "I will leave sir."

He stops me when I was about to get up to leave the table. I look at him shyly. "It's okay, you can eat here as there's no more table left" he points with his eyes the table near us.

"Thank you sir," is all I can say.

He scoffs, "Nick is okay outside class."

"Nick," smile is forming on my lips when I say his name.

"Don't you remember the first time we met?" His voice is quite.

I look up at him unsure, "first time?" He is nodding while put his food inside his mouth. I shake my head no.

"I bumped into you on the hallway" He sighs, "remember?" He eyes me and looks away immediately.

My jaw is dropped as I remember the moment, "is that you?" I eye him fort and back "the sandal guy" now laughing is cracking on my face.

"I don't know you gave me those nickname," he frown at me. Touching his back head.

"You wore those sandal to the university and that's unique," I take a breath and continue "you know 'not allowed to wear sandal in university' is the rule here?" I inform him.

"Not allowed to wear sandal in university," he repeats mocking me.

I roll my eyes, "true though." Now his turn to laugh. I pout my bottom lip and eat the cake again to avoid his annoying laugh.

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