Chapter 27

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I've done prepared for the next class today. Breakfast is ready as well, I put some on the box for me to bring it to the university and the rest is for me while waiting for Nick. I moved to the living room with plate full of chicken pasta.

Someone knocks the door several times before I opened it. The door swing wide open, revealing Mr Nicholas who's leaning with one hand against the wall to prop his body. His warm smile is greeting me, he's unbelievably charming and stunning.

"Good morning Nick." I welcome him with smile.

"Good morning princess, you do look beautiful as usual." His complement is never fail to make me blush.

"Don't flirt!" I am about to punch him but he catched my hand and holding it tight. I roll my eyes knowing that now he got the new hobby to hold my hand. "Come in, I was about to have a breakfast."

"I'm hungry. Is there any leftover for me?" He asks, walking the living room with hand still on mine.

"No leftover, but you can have mine." I take the plate and hand it to him.

He shakes his head disagree then spoon the pasta to feed me. Damn! I feel my cheeks getting red like a boiled lobster. He keeps the spoon in front of me, gesturing me to eat it. I have no words for this new experience, I never have done this kind of thing with Robert.

"C'mon Becca! Take a bite!"

Shyly I take the spoon inside my mouth. The pasta taste way more delicious than the first bite that I took before Nick is here.

"You love pasta that much huh?" He asks curious yet happy.

Not the pasta that I love the most, it's the way you show me your affection that I love the most and made the pasta taste delicious.

"Tonight we should have dinner, private dinner!" He says placing a spoon of pasta to his mouth. Chewing it carefully and enjoy the pasta that I made like the most expensive and delicious food in the world.

"Sure." I grab the glass of mineral water on the table and drink it all in one shot. He's making me nervous sometimes. "Let's go to the university, I have your class soon!" I tell him, grabbing my bag on the couch next to me.

"Eight o'clock can wait." He says like time is stopped for him. Childish.

"No time will stop for you! Let's get move. I don't want to be late in your class and do another double assignments." I frown taking the plate from his hands and place it to the dishwasher.

Lazily he moves his fat butt from the couch and walks to the door waiting for me. I smile all the way from kitchen to meet him on the door. He reaches out his hand to meet mine, with joy I grab his hand then lock the door in hurry.

"Becca." He asks with his heavy voice, walking slowly on my side.

I nod slowly, getting nervous whenever he called with those his heavy voice.

"What did Robert do last night?"

I freeze. Stopped right away when I heard his question. His grip getting loosen on mine. He eyes me carefully, reading my reaction.

"He said he wanted to break up. Last night he came here to explain the reason why he had to break up with me one more time and he told me that he also went out with Luna as his close friend. He left after I agreed on him to break up," I look at him feeling sad creeping inside me, he didn't make any reaction. I was hoping he would have acted upset or disappointed, but nothing.

"Nick?" I ask him not sure what to do. He smiles lazily at me, waiting.

"I was asleep right after he left. I didn't want to cry over him, so I slept and forgot about the dinner." Playing with my fingers then continue, "I'm sorry Nick. I didn't know what to do."

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