Chapter 21

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We had spent two days having fun, picnic, shopping, baking, jogging at the nearest park to our house, sunbathing in the beach, and many more fun things that we could do in short time.

I told mom and Hanna that I need to go back to Solo in sunday so today is my last day at home. They didn't agree at first and told me to take another week, but I already missed two whole weeks. After tried so hard to convince them, finally they let me go with promised that I should visit home in holiday.

"How long the brownies will be cooked?" I ask Hanna again for like a thousand times now.

Mom is watching her favorite drama with Hanna laying down on her laps twirling her hair.

"Five more minutes darling." Mom replies with a sweet voice of her, "oh call Emily to come over. She should be here for your last day at home." Mom looks at me over her shoulder, smiling.

"I will," I answer still focusing on the cake to be.

"Honey you don't have to stare at the cake like that, it'll cook by itself without your beautiful stare raining it." I can hear mom chuckles after telling me not to stare at the cake to be.

I roll my eyes in amusement and grab my phone on the table next to me, dialing Emily's number.

"Hallo Becca, what's up?" Emily says in instant after pick up my call.

"Hello too beautiful Emily. Mom said if you could come over in your free time."

"I will for sure." She replies excited.

"And..." I stop not wanting to continue.

"And what Becca?" She asks out of curiosity.

I take my moment to answer her curious question. Days here were difficult somehow we managed to pass the difficulty together and actually I don't want to leave, I want to stay here helping mom and Hanna with the store. Making sure mom always happy.

"I'm going to Solo tomorrow morning. So you better be here before I go right?" I question her, making sure my voice came out as soft as a cake.

Emily is like elder sister to us, Hanna and I, so it'll be nice if she's here. Her age is twenty four not to young for her position to be manager at our small stores. She works for us almost two years already, her family is in Batam same like mine.

"Right, I will be there in ten minutes."

"Sounds good," I heavily sigh then looking around not wanting mom to hear our conversation. "Emily, I need your help." I say half whisper.

"Spill it out."

"Can you please watch mom while taking care of our store? You know she tried to kill herself, I don't want something worse happen when I'm not here."

"Sure, don't worry about that. She's just like my own mother to me."

"I knew, thank you so much. Oh one more thing, don't let father meet her."

"I will make sure she's clear from him." She says struggling to hide her emotions.

"Thank you, see you then." I hang up the call after hearing she said her goodbye.


Today is one of the hottest day out of all days I'm here in last two weeks. It's not even twelve still two hours to go to be noon, the weather is just awesomely hot.

I sit on the floor in the middle of living room where everyone is in the couch, while Hanna, mom, and Emily is enjoying their gossiping.

I wear straight neck tang top and a hot pants, my hair is up in bunny hair with sweat on my forehead getting worse. I didn't apply any makeup today, the weather is just not on my side.

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