Chapter 15

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I am watching people coming and going from the restaurant, they seem happy, some girls are flirting with the guy behind the counter while they wait their food. Meanwhile I'm here sitting all alone with a cup of lemon tea and waiting for my order to be serve.

Two weeks had passed and Robert still not contacting me yet, I wonder if he still remember me. The last couple weeks, somehow I managed to be happy hanging out with my best friend.

Angela became my best friend after that night meeting in this very favorite restaurant. I can't deny that Joe seems interested with her, plus Mr. Nicholas has been helping us a lot especially with me. Nick talked to me a lot lately.

"Hi sis, can I sit here while waiting for my order?" A young girl asks pointing the empty chair in front of me.

She wears a uniform and a black slang bag, she made her hair fall free on her shoulder. She looks beautiful with a blushing cheeks.

"Sure, take a seat."

"My name is Lesley," Lesley reaches out her hand to me.

I shake her hand, smiling. "I'm Rebecca."

"Nice name, I saw you from the counter." She looks at me intently. I nod at her and move my gaze to the window.

"Rough day?" She questions.

"No, I am just waiting for my order. Starving I suppose."

Lesley smiles, nodding randomly. "I'm starving too." She adds.

Well this young girl does have a huge confidence in her, my subconscious tells me.

"I think I'll just check with my friends maybe the food is ready." She points group of teenager on the counter flirting with the guy behind the counter.

"Alright," is all I can say.

As soon as she left, the waitress comes out with my order on her hands. She walks towards my table, smiling at me. I nod and smile back to her when she place the plate on the table in front of me.

"Thank you." I tell her before she leaves. She turns on me to give the warmer smile then leave to the kitchen.

"Welcome to my tummy chicken," I murmur to myself.

I see Mr Nicholas coming in and looks at me right after he walked in. We are becoming close day by day, I can tell he's a good company and I love to be with him.

"Alone?" He asks, taking a seat on the chair that Lesley used before. I nod at him smiling and take another spoon chicken.

"I see you're enjoying your food." He's smiling through his handsome face.

I shrug and take a sip of lemon tea. He raises his hand to the waiter to come in and order his usual menu. From what I observed time to time, he never order food from the counter but directly to the waiter and never say the menu instead saying usual.

I can say he's a fan of this restaurant just like me to make the waiter knew him that well.

"Is he know your order?" I ask him curious.

He laughs lightly placing his elbows on the table, "sure."

"Are you fan of this restaurant too? I'm a fan of this restaurant but I still use that to order my food." I point the counter where the guy is busy doing calculation for the costumer.

He innocently answer my question, "I'm close with the owner."

Still you should behave like another costumer! My mind's chirping like a bird. 

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