27: Consequences

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"You threw your shoe at her?"

I jump, being completely unaware of Klaus standing against the wall I just walked past. I sigh before I face him, crossing my arms across my chest and nodding.

"Are you serious?" He shakes his head in dissatisfaction.

"It's whatever." I mumble.

"It've might've been if it was any other girl, and trust me, I would have laughed my arse off. But the fact that it was Genevieve gives me an idea about what you guys talked about to infuriate you." He tells me and I immediately avert my sight elsewhere. He releases a breath before cupping my neck and running his thumb across my jawline.

"Hayley, you can't let her get to you like that," He says softly.

"I'm sorry that the evil bitch you almost slept with while you supposedly had feelings for me is taunting me about you cheating on me again," I snap, and spin on my heel which causes him to drop his hand. He doesn't hesitate to pull me back, and I'm beginning to regret taking out my frustration out on him.

"I would never cheat on you," He says with slight irritation tinted in his voice, but he relaxes once my waist is in his hold again.

"You're done it before," I point out, pulling out of his hold once again.

"That wasn't legitimate!" He suddenly yells, bringing attention to us by the students heading home around us. "It wasn't legitimate, you need to trust me when I say that you're the only girl I see anymore." He says in a quieter voice.

"Right, right, of course, because that's so damn easy to believe." I huff.

"It should be!" He exclaims, lifting his eyebrows at me in a sense of challenging me to say another negative thing. We have a stare down for a moment, before I finally realize my stupidity about the situation. I have a point but I'm not willing to argue endlessly with him about it.

"I do trust you. I'm sorry, I'm just...still upset about what Genevieve said earlier." I choose against telling him about the fact she has a reason for hating me, as he would probably march to her doorstep and send her all kinds of threats of coming near me again.

"I'm not going to talk about this any longer," He mutters, "What're the consequences? A few detentions? Community Ser-"

"Suspended for the rest of the week," I cut him off. His eyes widen slightly.

"Hayley Marshall, I never expected you to ever receive a suspension Klaus says, amused by this, "I'll spend the week with you." He offers.

"Hell no," He raises an eyebrow at me, "You're not missing school just because I have to."


"You are going to attend all your classes, alright?" I say sternly. He suddenly smirks, and hauls me by my waist.

"You're sexy when you're bossy," His breath mingles against mine.

"Shut up," I blush before clearing my throat and pushing myself off of him.

"So what're you going to do while you're not in school?" He asks with a chuckle at my reaction. I shrug.

"Perhaps I can reflect on why it's so damn hard being in love with you," I say without thinking it over, and I regret it the second after the sentence is flown out of my mouth. Klaus parts his lip and I freeze. Did I really just admit of being in love with him out loud?

"Did you just-"

"What? No." I say, completely rushed, before he can even finish his question. I already know how it might've ended.

Great, first he accidentally tells me he loves me at New Years and now I let the words with the same meaning slip out of my mouth.


"I have to go, you know, tell my parents about what happened before the school beats me to it," I murmur, and peck his lips quickly before pulling myself out of the hold he has locked on my hips, which loosened once I said what I said.

He nods slowly, and him frowning is the last thing I see before I mentally curse myself while turning my back and walking away from him.



I apologize for this being so utterly and ridiculously short, but I wanted to update due to the many requests to.
Hopefully, you guys don't hate me too much and to make up for it, I'll start writing the next chapter ASAP.

By the way, who enjoyed last night's episode of The Originals? I know I had a blast watching all those Klayley scenes. Message me if you're up for major fangirling over it :D

Anyway, vote, comment, and follow :)


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