5: Talk

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"Hayley, what do you think you're doing?" My father's voice bellows as I try to pack my clothes.

"Moving out. I can't stand you, or the fact that you and mother argue as if you won't live to see tomorrow's daylight." I bland out and he looks astonished. He doesn't waste a second before grabbing me by my hair and dragging me out of my room. I wince and he only leads me down the narrow hallway, until we reach the portrait of him, mother, and I on the wall.

"This is our family, or so I thought." He sneers and pulls me up with more force, "Don't ruin that for us."

"I think you've already overtook the position of overruling this so-called family." I whimper at the pain he's causing me, he soon releases me as I fall to the floor.

"I didn't raise you with this attitude! Sure I've made my mistakes, but I've changed for the better while you're suffocating yourself, changing for the worse." He sounds disapproving and it makes my heart sink.

"I try so hard, I try so hard to please you. I do good in school, I remain well-spoken for with the manners I've been taught, yet you always find a way to discriminate me!" I have much to say to him.

"I will not continue on having you speak to me in such a way," he raises his hand to give me a brutal slap but he's the one who's greeted with a hit.

I look up to see my saviour and am locked with confusion as he leans down, brushing my hair out of my face. "It's okay, little wolf." He assures.


I gasp for breath, reaching out for something, anything, as I sit up in my bed. I cough and sink down in my bed when I realize I was dreaming.

Strangest dream ever. I've been having the recurring evil father one for the past four days, but Klaus entering it is new.

I look at the clock, it reads 6:15 AM. I can't find myself going back to sleep, so I untangle myself from my bed and get ready.

Why the hell did Klaus appear in my dream? My somewhat enemy? And to make matters weirder, he "saved" me. Nightmares are horrid.

I'm ready by 7:30 which is an hour before school starts but I head to the building anyway.

The house is quiet, I'm not sure if my parents are awake or not. I get to the school in about fifteen minutes, it's empty. The front yard remains student-less, and the only cars I see are the ones that belong to the staff.

I head to the back of the school and to the field, by the bleachers. I drop my bag on the grass once I get there, and lean against the fence of the baseball diamond, rethinking the thoughts during my slumber. I don't ever want that to become true. I love my father, and he loves me. Something as viscous as that would never take place in reality. Klaus wouldn't come to my rescue. It all just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe-

"Hayley?" His voice magically appears and I think it's in my mind but I see a shadow hovering over me, blocking the sun from my eyes.

"Wow, Niklaus Mikaelson at school. Early. Either I should get my vision checked, or I'm dreaming." I smirk up at him and he rolls his eyes.

"I was helping the guys practice for their football game next Thursday. No matter how many times they beg for my presence on the team, I will always ignore them." He drops his bag next to mine and sits on the bleachers. "Besides, I'm never waking up this early for fun again."

My eyes stay trained up at him, smiling softly. "They could use an athletic and overpowering guy on the team."

He grins, about to speak but I interrupt him. "Maybe Damon?" I smirk, knowing he thought I was talking about him.

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