22: Love

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I sit across from Klaus in my bed, glaring at him. I'm mad. No, scratch that, I'm furious.

He's pacing back and forth, mumbling repeatedly how stupid he is under his breath.

"Are you going to say something or will you fucking leave?" I grit out, crossing my arms over my chest.

You're probably wondering how we got here. After I left, I came back home and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. God damn Klaus Mikaelson. God damn my feelings for him. A couple of hours later he stopped by to deliver some things for my parents, like he usually does.

However, this time, he dared to come up to my room. Pleaded that he can explain himself. Since he was already here, I thought why not. It doesn't mean he gets any forgiveness, but what's the harm in hearing what idiotic excuse he's come up with.

"I'm sorry." Are the first words he says directly to me. He walks towards me, and I straighten my back. He unexpectedly gets down on his knees in front of me, a deep frown on his face.

"I'm a fucking idiot. I'm so....God, I'm so stupid, Hayley. But I'm so sorry."

"You've already said this, Klaus, now are you done wasting my time." I spit, obviously not touched by his words.

"What you saw back there, it...it really wasn't anything, Hayley. She showed up at my house, that evil bitch, said we can finish what we started and when she took off her jacket that was what she had on and I didn't..I wasn't going to do anything, little wolf-"

"Don't call me that." I scoff, rolling my eyes at him and shoving him away from me so I can stand up. "Finish what you started, right? As in finish cheating, right?"

"Hayley, I never meant to hurt you." Klaus says almost immediately, but it came out as a mere whisper.

"Sure. Of course you didn't." I shake my head, walking towards my door and opening it, gesturing him to walk out.

"I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving until you believe me. I swear to God I did not touch her, I will do anything to make you believe me and.."

"I don't care, Klaus!" I yell. At this point, I've had enough. "You can go do whatever you please with whoever you want! We're not dating, right? It was all fake, you said it yourself!" I'm hurt, so hurt, I hate it. I hate how weak I feel. I hate that it's because of him.

"I was wrong. Yes, we weren't really dating but..but my feelings for you, they're all real. God, don't you realize I agreed to all of this because I'm in love with you?!" For the first time ever, I hear Klaus' voice break. My eyes snap up, and I'm surprised to see tears in his eyes too.

"I fucked up. I'm a fuck up. I never realize what's good in front of me. God, Hayley, I've loved you for a long time for everything you are. The way you hold yourself together, how strong you are, how independent and...for fucks sake, I just want to see you happy. I knew my feelings for you yet agreed to help you win Elijah back, but I was so selfish that I kept you for myself. But that was a mistake. I'm not good for you, am I? I messed up with Caroline, maybe that was a good thing, but this...there's nothing good about this." He steps closer to me, and I find myself not stepping away from him. I just watch him come towards him. Frozen.

"I've took care of you every time you needed someone. I tried hearing you out every time you seemed off, hurt, in trouble. I've always wanted to be there for you. I don't know when I realized you were more to me than a childhood "frenemy" but out of all things I regret, I don't regret realizing that." He continues, taking a deep breath and cupping one of my cheeks. I don't stop him. Why aren't I stopping him?

"You don't have to forgive me. I don't expect you to. Just know it wasn't my intention, ever, love. You are not to blame for my mistakes and foolishness. That's my problem and my deal to fix. And you don't deserve to be put through the way I made you feel. I am so sorry, Hayley." He finishes, and by now I feel tears streaming down my face.

He loves me.

Klaus Mikaelson loves me.

And for some reason, as angry as I am, or was, it all feels so genuine. All the actions he pointed out I thought were always because he liked to poke fun at me. But no, it was all because...he cared.

I feel his lips against my forehead, and I close my eyes, putting my hand over the one he has on my cheek. He leaves his lips lingering against my skin, before finally pulling back and using his thumbs to wipe the tears from my face.

"You're too beautiful to be crying over an asshole like me. Go back to Elijah, find a guy better than me. I can't give you back the time you wasted with me, but I sure as hell can do you a favour and let you be happy again - without me." Klaus nods at me, blinking away his tears.

I'm still speechless. I don't know what to say. I'm stubborn, I don't want to admit that...I love him too.

Sure, he's got issues. But doesn't everybody? Nothing justifies his wrongs, but perhaps they weren't completely wrong in the first place.

He's right, we weren't dating. He's right, he did fuck up. But I don't know anything about him besides the things I'm limited to. And perhaps finding out more about him and his issues will make me learn to love him for who he is. Because deep down, I believe he never intended to hurt me.

I open my eyes and he's gone. I didn't even notice him leaving, maybe because I've began to always imagine his presence with me. I'm left confused, my breath shaky. But I know what I have to do.

The right thing is to mend our way back to normal. I want him. I need him. I love him.

I love Klaus Mikaelson.

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