18: Truth

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Hayley's P.O.V

I walk out of the school, my eyes scanning past the other students outside. Not seeing a sign of my friends, I decide to walk home. That is until I see Genevieve coming towards me.

"Hi. I know you don't know me but I surely know you..." She chuckles and I force a smile.

"Well if you already know me then there's no need for an introduction." I say, walking past her.

"Wait don't you want to know my name?" She asks, ataken back by my response.

"It won't come to much use, so no not really. Sorry." I shrug. "It's Genevieve." She says anyway.

I know.

I clear my throat, nodding and turning to face her, "Okay, Genevieve, do you want something?"

Only your boyfriend, I almost hear her say which causes my expression to harden for a second.

"Maybe a little tour of the school." She suggests and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Right now?" I ask warily, glancing around at the departing students.

"Yeah, well, it's better than giving it during classes. Don't wanna miss anything, you know?" She grins. Why do I have a feeling she's playing nice on purpose? Or maybe she is a genuinely nice person. Ugh, just because she was with Klaus doesn't make her a bitch. I sigh and nod slowly.

"Alright, um, let's go." I take one more look around, desperately hoping that somebody will come and take me away. I walk back up the steps of the school and she walks side by side with me. The doors open at the same time I reach to open them. I see Klaus and Stefan and I almost feel my heart skip a beat. Cheesy, I know, but true.

"Hey, Hayley....and Hayley's friend." Stefan says with a smile and Klaus furrows his eyebrows at Genevieve.

"Oh, we're not really f-" Genevieve cuts my sentence off.

"Oh, hi. Stefan, right?" She says. I quirk an eyebrow at her. I get that we're popular but how does she know everyone in my group when they don't know her?

Stefan looks at me and then at a confused Klaus before looking back at Genevieve. "Uh, yeah. Sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"It's Geneva, and she has to get home so bye Geneva." Klaus points away from the school and she rolls her eyes.

"My name is Genevieve. And Klaus, is this your girlfriend?" I can tell that she's faking confusion and rests a hand on my shoulder. Klaus looks like he's shooting daggers into her heart with his eyes. He's clearly upset. I grasp his hand in mine and entwine our fingers, rubbing his knuckles with my thumb. He seems shocked at the action but relaxes into it.

"Yeah, I'm his girlfriend. Who's asking?" I say with a hint of attitude.

"Me, silly." She laughs and shakes her head, "Anyway, on with the tour." She says and starts walking into the school.

"On with the tour." I repeat in a mumble and start walking away but Klaus tightens his grip on my hand to stop me. I raise an eyebrow at him and this causes Genevieve to stop walking. "Hayley, I have to talk to you." He says, eyeing Genevieve in the process.

"About what?"

"Uh, I think it's more appropriate if we do this in private." He adds and I nod slowly. "It can't wait?" I ask.

"No, it can't." He says rapidly and I'm thankful I won't have to give this stupid tour to this stupid girl.

"Sorry, Genevieve, he obviously wants to talk to me." I apologize and she grits her teeth, saying it's okay and can wait for another time. But I have a feeling the tour isn't all she wanted from me. And why does Klaus seem to have a problem with me being around her and Damon?

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