Chapter Thirty One [Watch Your Back]

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"I took care of you when you were a baby and this is how you treat me?" Jasmine screamed as she struggled to get out of the chair she was tied to. All her tears and crying didn't mean anything to me and I just found it annoying and pathetic.

"You betrayed me after everything my father did for you, it's always been about him because he didn't want you"'I said and her eyes weld up in tears. Glancing at my father he licked his lower lip trying to figure out what he was going to say.

"You killed your child because I ain't want you? Tell me why I shouldn't blow your brains out" my father questioned holding the gun to the back of her head and she froze as her body began to tremble.

"That's not what happened, they killed my baby" she sniffled shaking her head as more tears poured from her eyes and I could feel her hurt and pain. I'd never really dealt with the death so my chest began to ache and I had to take a step back.

"I don't believe you, everything you said to me just don't add up" I said and her eyes pierced into mine filled with guilt and anger.

"I'll tell you what happened if he answers one of my questions" she said in defeat as she shook the tears away and I looked towards my father and he lowered the gun and looked at her.

"Ask me what?" He questioned and she laughed bitterly and looked down at her lap. She looked worn out and like she was ready to die because she didn't want to live anymore.

"When we first met I was eighteen and you were twenty four and you treated me really good. I'd never been in love before and I told you that people advised me to stay away from you and you told me I'd be alright and not to listen to other people. You asked me to raise your son and keep him safe knowing I was falling in love with you knowing you loved Ivory, why not her why'd you choose me?" She questioned and he tensed up.

His eyes glanced around the room before his grip on the gun loosened and he just stood frozen for awhile staring at nothing.

"I did love you, like family and I'll never stop even if I have to kill you today. She saw something in me that nobody else did not even you or my brother she saw me and she saw I was hurting and gave me the love I should have gotten from my mother and a potential wife. But she chose Jade not me" he said clenching his jaw for a moment before breaking out into a grin.

"And she'll never love you like that or how I did" she said quietly and he nodded accepting the answer.

"She doesn't have to, I don't want to be loved be anyone it makes shit less complicated" he said raising the gun to her head as she sniffled and looked at me.

"Kevin left with her one day and didn't come back with her. I didn't know my baby was dead until two days later and he swore it wasn't apart of the deal he had with one of his clients he confessed that he'd gotten himself into something he knew wasn't right but there was cops involved and he couldn't go back on his word. They killed Talia to show him how much they didn't give a fuck and to get back at you. Out of anger I took out that case against you because if I'd never gotten involved with O from the start or left you like I wanted this wouldn't of happened to me, I have nothing!" She shouted at me continuing to cry.

"You don't ever take the blame for anything, you could of walked away at anytime but you didn't. Kevin shouldn't of ever put you and Talia in danger so why forgive him and not me?" I questioned feeling hurt and she got quiet.

"I don't know Cal I don't fucking know. I didn't kill my daughter though I would never even think about it those monsters killed my baby" she cried.

"That cop earlier you mentioned was he male or female?" I asked changing the subject and my father leaned against a desk listening closely.

"He was a male, dark skin he's undercover" she sniffled and I looked up at my father and some of my workers.

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