Chapter Sixteen [Family problems]

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Jesse held one of the twins workers at gunpoint as he the nigga cried and begged for us to spare him. He'd killed one of our workers and thought he'd get away without us seeing him but they caught him and brought him straight to us.

"Please, I'll tell you whatever you want to know" he sniffled and Jesse began to laugh making him began to cry and look at me for assistance.

"How you gon be a killer but afraid to die? Don't go out like that lil nigga at least hold your head up" I tell him as he continued to sniffle making me shake my head.

"Hold up, at least let him tell us some shit, don't just kill him it'd be a waist" Zaire said folding his arms and I shrugged looking up at Jesse giving him a look and he slowly lowered the gun keeping his finger on the trigger.

"Where the twins be at? What's the main trap?" I questioned and he got real quiet. He coughed to cover a whimper coming out of his mouth.

"It's some place in the hood, they got cops on there payroll and they have cops selling too and in return they helping them build some case" he said making my stomach sink thinking about that file that went missing.

"What type of case? I know you must of heard something" Jesse said growing angry and he rubbed his eyes as his lip trembled.

"I swear to god I don't know, just that a lot of people are going to go down when this happens" he sniffled and I nodded pulling at my facial hair.

"How do you know it's that file though? If they had the file they wouldn't need need to build a case they already have plenty of evidence" Zaire said and I nodded seeing his point, but it still didn't make me feel any less uneasy.

Jesse grew tired and pulled the trigger of the gun shooting the nigga in his neck and he dropped forward still alive. Jesse shrugged firing the gun again shooting him in the back of the head before turning to look at me with a mug.

"This why I'm mad at y'all dumb ass, if I have to do some time and miss my daughter growing up I'm about to start a fucking riot we need to find that shit screw everything else" he snapped.

"The only person who could of taken it was that girl Hazel Moriah always be around" I said and Zaire raised an eyebrow.

"What about that hoe Nicole that's been hanging around you? She probably just as guilty I feel like she connect with them in someway" Zaire said as the clean up crew came in to get the mess and we walked out of the room and towards Nicole's office where she handles the money.

"We trust her with all of our money though, if she was an opp wouldn't she be taking our money that's the perfect way to get us" I stated and they nodded in agreement.

"That gyal could be real sneaky, if she was taking our money it'd be real easy and I doubt she'd be dumb enough to do it" Jesse said as we stopped walking.

"Let me go talk to her, I'll tell y'all what's up later" I said lowly and they nodded dapping me up.

"I gotta go anyway, I left Alijah and my baby with my mental ass family and she probably about to go crazy" he mumbled as Zaire laughed following behind him.

Shaking my head I pushed open Nicole's office door seeing she was sitting at her desk talking on the phone as she counted money in a money counter.

"Oh so now you gonna stop acting distant?" She questioned looking at me with an attitude and I rolled my eyes not wanting to deal with her attitude right now.

"My bad ma I just been stressed out with my dad out of prison and trying to make sure nothing falls apart but I'm here now to give you my full attention" I tell her walking towards her and she hung up her phone and stood up.

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