Chapter Thirty Four [Reap What You Sow Part One]

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"God just give me some more time please" I prayed keeping my eyes closed. When I opened them, Ajani was asleep on me and the bed was empty, Alijah was no longer in the spot next to me and our bathroom was empty.

I slowly got up and held my three month old daughter close to me taking her to the nursery. When I laid her down she moved around getting comfortable keeping her eyes closed and I smiled small running a stressful hand down my face unsure of what my next move would be.

Once I left out of her room I closed the door leaving it cracked and walked into the living room where everyone was talking lowly. I gave them a head nod and kissed Alijah's neck pushing her hair to the side and she turned to look at me.

"You packed the clothes like I told you to last night?" I questioned and she nodded slowly attempting to rub the tears out of her eyes and I grabbed her hands stopping her, now wasn't the time to cry and she knew that.

"I'm a be alright you know that" I remind kissing her cheek and she smiled small and agreed. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me tight as I kissed her deeply not wanting this feeling to go away, ever.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you the wedding you wanted , but I swear to you we are going to have our wedding even if I have to escape" I smirked kissing her lips again and she stroked the side of my face chewing her lower lip.

Cal and I had some big shit planned for the day. We were about to shake California up and give the police and the state something to be fearful about.

I moved away from Alijah and walked into the kitchen sitting at the table and she followed an began to fix my plate. Calvin and everyone else stepped into the kitchen.

"Whatever Alijah does I'm going with her. Somebody has to make sure she don't turn into a nervous wreck and I still owe her my life for rescuing me" Darius warned and I slapped hands with him thanking him.

"I feel like something big is about to happen" Zaire said brushing the waves in his head. Cal and I shared a look before glancing over at Eli who seemed anxious to get everything today over and done with.

Alijah sat my plate in front of me before I pulled her into my lap resting my hand on her stomach.

"Oh god are you pregnant again?" Elias questioned and we looked at him like he was crazy.

"Hell no I'm just putting my hand here relax, to much stress going on right now for her to even be pregnant" I mumbled.

Looking at Moriah he stood off by himself as his body trembled and he shoved his balled up fist into his pants pocket biting down on his lower lip.

I tapped Alijah and nodded towards him and slowly everyone turned to look at him. His face was turning red and he looked like he was holding a lot of shit in.

"Mo? What's wrong?" Cal questioned and he shook his head letting a tear drop fall and quickly used the back of his other hand to wipe it away.

"I just don't understand, that's all" he said quietly as Elias stood up and moved next to him trying to give him some type of comfort but he shoved him away.

"Understand what?" Marco asked and Moriah shrugged staring at the ground. I could tell he was grinding his teeth.

"How the fuck you three could just give up so easily like fucking cowards. None of you are normally like this so I don't get it why are we giving up? There has to be something we can do you can't be okay with going to prison and letting the crooked cops win" Moriah stated slamming his fist into the wall making a hole.

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