Chapter Eight [Explosions]

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I grabbed a tight hold on Nicole's hair as I hit it from the back. She was finally able to be free and as wild and loud as she wanted to be because her little man was at school.

We'd been trying to hold out on having sex but temptation was to strong. A simple conversation between us turned into toe curling sex and I didn't mind at all.

"Right there Cal, don't stop!" She screamed out as I picked up pace ignoring the ringing of my cellphone. Sweat dripped from my eyebrow as I put in work listening to her call out my name over and over until she couldn't even pronounce words correctly.

"I'm about to cum!" She called out and I quickly pulled out of her and her body collapsed on the bed and she looked at me with frustration as I smirked and licked my lower lip.

She crawled towards me as I picked up my phone seeing it was work related and smacked my teeth. Ever since Alijah's crew decided to go on strike work had been busy as hell trying to keep up with everything and I was beginning to regret that fight I had with Marco.

Nicole got out of bed and turned on her radio as some Marvin Gaye sound began to play and she danced sexually as I chuckled watching her curvy body move.

I motioned for her with my index finger and she came closer as I took a seat on the bed pulling the condom off and she got on her knees taking me into her mouth causing me to lean back in satisfaction.

"Damn girl, slow down" I mumbled as I watched her and tried to calm my breathing down. She gave me a smirk and continued and my phone rung once again.

"Eli I'm kinda busy right now!" I said into the phone as my eyes rolled in the back of my head and I heard him say something to someone in the background.

"You gonna wanna see this shit, turn on the news" he said sounding irritated before he hung up the phone and I smacked my teeth tossing my phone to the side as I grabbed Nicole's hair pulling her head back.

"Stop for a second and hand me the remote baby" I said and she looked at me confused before wiping her mouth and standing. She picked up her grey remote and tossed it to me and I turned to a news channel and my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

My fucking house was on fire. I jumped up and pulled on my boxers and pants in a panic and Nicole watched me confused for a moment before looking at the screen.

"Papi is that your house!" She said with her Spanish accent coming out making me smile for a moment before I remembered what was going on.

"Yeah, ion know what the fuck is going on" I mumbled as I put my shoes on and she began getting dressed as well. I quickly dialed Eli's number and put the phone to my ear waiting for him to pick up.

"Bitch they know where we stay, what the fuck I tell you Cal we were suppose to of handled this shit months ago now some security and shit is dead, who knows what else they know if they found out where we live" Eli snapped and I ran a hand down my face and pulled on my shirt.

"Jesse back, yet?" I asked motioning for Nicole to follow me and she pulled on her jeans and zipped them up before grabbing her sandals and following me out the house.

"Yeah, hold up let me call him and put it on three way" he said putting me on hold and I smacked my teeth getting into the car and Nicole did the same.

"Baby what does this mean? What's going on?" Nicole asked and I shook my head starting my car. My house was completely gone they burned my shit good and now we got police that's gone be snooping around around trying to find out shit.

"It just mean we gotta be more careful that's all" I mumbled pulling out of her driveway and noticed a car pull out behind me and I smacked my teeth looking in the rearview mirror.

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