Chapter Twenty Four [Great Minds Think Alike]

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"I want two babies" I smiled as my head laid on Jesse's chest and he rubbed my naked back. Looking up at him he had this distant look on his face so I bit his nipple to catch his attention and he groaned looking down at me.

"In three years I'll get you pregnant again, but I want to give Ajani a chance to be a baby I don't want kids back to back" he said looking down at me and I nodded.

"Yeah I understand, we make pretty babies though" I teased pulling at his chin hair and he smiled kissing my lips.

"Sometimes I be feeling like what I do ain't enough for you though, you expect so much and I feel like I'm always the one fucking up. Your expectations aren't realistic at all" he says as I closed my eyes.

"I don't mean to make you feel bad or act like I want you to be perfect because that's not the case, it's just with the past we have I'm still scared to trust you fully" I confess and he stopped rubbing my back.

"And if we suppose to be getting married soon you gotta trust me and have faith I'm not going to do you wrong, I love you and my daughter to much to be on that childish shit" he said and he started rubbing me again.

"You are completely right and I want to start wedding planning, let's set a date right now" I laughed opening my eyes and looking at him.

"August 6th" he said randomly and I raised an eyebrow wondering why he picked such a random day.

"That's in two months, why such a random date?" I asked and he remained quiet for a moment and I could feel his finger tips drawing on my back.

"Why not? Let's make that day special"'he shrugged and I nodded agreeing with him. It didn't matter much to me what day we got married on just as long as we got married.

Things got quiet between us and Jesse seemed to grow distant in deep thought worrying me, I was afraid he was having doubts about me.

"If I did go to prison would you hold it down for me and stay faithful?" He questioned finally speaking as I kissed on his chest.

"Of course that shouldn't even be a question, you aren't going to jail so stop thinking about it okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm just scared I'll miss Jani growing up and that might actually break me more than anything. I don't want to be a stranger to my daughter" he said still voicing his doubts.

"If you do go to prison I'll buy a house right next to the prison and visit everyday with her" I teased and he chucked.

"Hell no I don't want my daughter to ever come in contact with a prison, real shit she gon be one of them black girls that's real stuck up and smart and end up marrying a doctor" he said seeming like he had it all planned out and I laughed hard.

"Her husbands name is going to be named Daquan" I smiled innocently and he gave me a look of fear for a moment.

"Hell no Daquan bitch ass gon come up missing just wait and see" he laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"If you do go to prison Ajani would be an only child" I frowned and he smacked his teeth playing with one of the curls in my hair.

"Nah I'll find a way to knock you up don't even worry about all that. But we need to start planning in case that shit happen, I don't want it to just happen randomly" he tells me going into deep thought and I frowned.

"I don't want to think about it right now" I said as my hands romanced his abs. I can't picture life without him anymore,

"I'm happy right now, being with you makes me happy" he said calmly and I nodded sitting up and peeking in Ajani's crib as she lay sleeping.

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