Chapter Twenty Three [Enough]

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"It's so pretty here, I want our wedding to be here" I state as I stood on the hotel balcony looking at all the surroundings of Jamaica. Ajani growing up here wasn't sounding like such a bad idea now all of a sudden.

Jesse came and stood beside me as he rocked Ajani back to sleep. It was early here and we'd been here for only an hour there was so much to do and I wanted to do it all.

I'd brought Ajani's stroller that attached to her car seat so I'd be able to see her while I push. I was going to enjoy shopping entirely to much with her.

"Don't be going anywhere alone, a lot of crazy people around here especially because my father announced I have a daughter now" Jesse mumbled and I looked at him shocked. His family was extremely big over here and I didn't want all that attention on my daughter.

"Do you have to go and handle business now? We just got here and I want to spend some time with you" I said doing my puppy dog face and he kissed my lips.

"I gotta get it done now, just give me two days and then I'm yours the next five days" he reasoned handing me Ajani and I nodded kissing him again.

I followed him out of the room in our suite and frowned noticing Elias and Moriah arguing about rooms and whose was bigger.

"You leaving already?" Elias questioned and Jesse nodded dapping him up before leaving out the hotel room.

I opened my mouth to speak but Elias quickly followed behind Jesse so I wouldn't ask him to do anything, he's such an ass.

"Let me go get my sketch book and I'll follow you around all day" Moriah sighed walking away and I smiled and walked back into Jesse and I's room and laid Ajani in the middle of the bed as I attached her car seat to her stroller.

I them packed her diaper bag and checked her to see if she had done anything in her diaper. Once that was all cleared I placed her in the car seat and grabbed the suite key.

"Ready for this long adventure?" I questioned and Mo shrugged following me out. I had decided once we got off the plane that I was going to walk everyone and not take a taxi, I needed the exercise and Jesse said growing up he and his cousins walked around barefoot all the time by choice.

The hotel had a bunch of places near it that would keep us occupied for the rest of the day. It wasn't like America but it was unique in its own way and I liked it.

"Ajani, this might be where you spend summers" I laughed placing a pacifier in my daughters mouth as she closed her eyes, so much for trying to show her stuff.

"She's not any fun, she's one month and all she does is sleep and laugh at stuff" Moriah pointed out and I agreed.

I couldn't wait for that age where I could carry her on my hip and she was starting to say words and be more fun to dress up.

"Look Mo she's a cutie" I smiled pointing to a teenage girl in the cutest skirt I'd ever seen. She was standing in front of the hotel as we walked passed like she was waiting on someone.

Moriah simply gave me a look letting me know to drop it. He jogged over to a man selling newspaper and bought one before returning back and placing it in Ajani's diaper bag.

"I'm going to look at that later so don't throw it out" he said firmly and I nodded as we continued our stroll.

I ended up stopping at this boutique and going inside leaving Moriah in front of the store to draw because he didn't have any interest coming inside.

There was two guys inside and they stopped what they were doing when they saw me and just stared, didn't try and play it off either.

Ignoring them I went over to the pretty dresses and looked through them keeping my eye on my daughter at the same time as she slept and sucked on her pacifier.

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