Chapter Nineteen [Worries]

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I adjusted the slacks I was wearing before glancing to my left as Jesse leaned against his car smoking weed he was dressed up also and wearing sunglasses. Eli and Marco stood next to him and everyone remained silent probably wondering the same thing.

"We don't trust each other and this is bad for business, I know things haven't been going exactly smooth but we need to fix it before it can get any worse, now I have a plan but I'm not sure if I can trust any of you with it" I said fixing my dress shirt .

"I got bigger problems to worry about then trying to send myself to prison, why would Jesse or I be involved it all boils down to Alijah's old crew one of them" Eli said and Marco eyed him for a moment before folding his arms.

"Don't try and put this shit on us were all like a family and if they said they didn't do it then they didn't do it, I wouldn't ever betray Alijah and that's a known fact" Marco said and Jesse pulled his sunglasses off and sighed.

"We not getting anywhere can we just do what we came here for? I'm growing aggravated" he said and I nodded fixing my tie and we made our way inside our lawyers office after Jesse put out the weed he was smoking.

The receptionist looked us over before smiling to herself as she stood up and showed us to the back. I hated coming here but whenever I did I meant business because my lawyer was the best in California and always had my back.

"Wow I've never had all of you come to my office at once" Otis, our lawyer laughed as he sat at his desk and we all remained with the same mug facial expression on our face as I laid the papers I took from Nicole's house on his desk.

I watched as he looked over it and shook his head mumbling a few things to himself. I knew he was thinking the same thing we were all thinking, with that type of evidence it was going to be hard to get us out of it especially depending on who has the original paperwork.

"Look I love you guys a lot, your my favorite clients but this is some deep stuff and odds are you'll be serving some time there's no way in hell I'll be able to get you out of all of this maybe some but not all not even Jesus himself could help you" he said and I closed my eyes.

"Jesse has a little girl now, he's the one I'm mainly concerned about help him before you help the rest of us" I said making Jesse look at me for a moment and I dapped him up. I know how special these years are to any parent.

"Would any of you be up to taking some of his time? We're speaking strictly on what ifs none of this is factual because nobody is pressing any charges but this is just practice so you know what to expect if this does all come out" Otis said and we looked at each other.

"With all do respect these are like my brothers and I wouldn't want to take away more of there freedom if it comes down to it we all going to prison together, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing somebody else took the fall for me" Jesse said and the room got quiet.

I knew he was stubborn and I should of known he wouldn't let anybody take the fall for him. Part of the reason I was trying to hurry up and link all the pieces before this shit got out.

Otis went to speak but froze and nodded to the door way and I closed my eyes already knowing who was standing there. I rubbed the back of my neck before standing from my seat in the office excusing myself.

My father simply looked at me for a moment as I closed the door behind me and my uncle walked up along with Silas and I honestly felt like they were about to jump my ass in the hallway and I was scared as shit.

"So that girls a cop?" Silas questioned and I nodded thinking about Nicole, shit still gave me nightmares I fucking hated cops and she was one of the ones that I hated the most.

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