Chapter Six [Growing Up]

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Elias in multimedia


"You alright bruh?" Mo asked taking a seat next to me on the couch as Jesse's thot ass sister sat across from us texting on her phone with a slight smirk on her face making me want to slap the shit out of her just cause I was in a bad mood.

"Nothing just thinking about a lot of stuff" I mumbled and he observed me quietly. I was at the stage in life where I was ready to be considered an adult yet I wasn't ready to grow up. I felt like I was rushing everything and I wanted to come back home but I knew they'd force me to go to college.

I began to sniffle and Moriah turned his head to the side and watched me as I let a few tear drops fall not bothering to wipe them.

"You feel lonely huh?" Mo asked and I nodded as he went to wipe my tears and I smacked his hands away. I was the older brother I ain't need him to wipe my tears away, I could handle this shit on my own.

"For someone whose suppose to be a big drug dealer your acting like a bitch" Jaya laughed and I eyed her for a moment contemplating on if I'd kill her and how mad Jesse would be.

"Mind your business, if he gave a fuck about your opinion he would of asked you" Moriah said calmly as he gave her the death stare and she held her hands up surrendering as my father walked into the living room.

"Didn't my wife ask you to help her cook dinner?" My father asked her and she looked up at him like he was a joke making Moriah and I share a look.

"Yeah and? I don't cook so get out of my face" she mumbled as she typed away on her phone and our father looked at us for a second before he began to laugh.

I watched as he snatched her phone from her hands and threw it against the wall breaking it and she covered her mouth with a gasp.

"Do you have any idea what the fuck you just did? I was texting my boyfriend" Jayla whined as she walked over picking up the pieces to her phone.

"I look like a give a fuck? Learn to do shit the first time and we won't have this problem again" he said raising his voice and I knew if she said something slick he might strangle her out. I put my own problems on hold to watch this scene unfold.

"You clearly have no idea who your messing with, wait till I tell my father about this" she mumbled making him chuckled and he patted my shoulder pointing to the gun I had in my pants.

I raised an eyebrow and stared at him for a moment before handing him the gun watching him take it off safety as Jayla's eyes got big. It didn't shock me when he pulled the trigger shooting her in the shoulder and she let out a scream causing my mother to run into the living room.

"Jade you did not just do what I think you did" she said as my father lowered the gun with a smirk and hand it back to me.

I stood from my spot walking over to Jayla as she held her shoulder crying and looked at the wound. I saw the bullet hole in the wall so I knew it went straight through.

"You good ma, it's just a flesh wound, my father gives no fucks remember that" I tell her and she slowly nodded as my ma walked over and grabbed her arm helping her up before leading her off to help her out.

"She deserved that shit, I was waiting for someone to do it cause I would of shot her in the head" Moriah mumbled and I agreed.

I sat back on the couch and covered my face rethinking about my problems as the room grew quiet. I felt the other side of the couch dip down so I knew he had sat on the other side of me.

"Mo let me talk him alone" pops said and when Moriah didn't respond I knew he must of gotten up and left out.

"How's business?" He asked making conversation and I looked up at him with tears burning my eyes before shaking my head.

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