Chapter One [Lifestyle]

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Music blasted loudly through the speakers of my car as I pulled up to one of the many traps we had now. It was hidden off somewhere many people didn't think to look and heavily guarded by security of at least thirty men along with a few snipers on the roof ready to kill anyone who wasn't welcome.

The new Scott organization handled things differently, we were more business oriented and handled problems and people professionally. I owned three restaurants and a night club along with the strip club I'd opened with my brothers, we were living the life.

As soon as I pushed the doors open to the warehouse I smiled at what I saw, hard working people. Everyone had got the memo that I didn't fuck around here, to bad I had to kill a couple people to get that fucking message across.

Licking my lower lip I eyed the Latina woman named, Nicole in charge of our money and making it clean. She claims she was all about business and wouldn't give me the time of day because she never wanted to fuck someone who was her boss, afraid I'd get attached and fire her or something if things didn't work out. Yeah right, a pussy is a pussy.

"The business room is this way nigga" Marco joked wrapping his arm around my shoulder as he laughed playfully already knowing who I was staring at. I gave him a look as we walked towards the room where everyone except my cousin sat in normal clothing.

"Where's Alijah?" I asked turning my attention to Jesse as he scrolled through his phone. He glanced up at me giving me a look signaling they'd broken up again and she'd tossed him out of the condo they shared.

"She said she was on her way, she got stuck in class" Zaire said brushing the waves in his head and I nodded turning to look at the rest of the crew. There was nine of us running this business including myself, Alijah, Jesse, Eli, Zaire, Elias, Marco, Ember and Darius.

Last year Elias had joined up with us in search of making more money and not wanting to go to college like my aunt wanted him too. I'd just recently turned twenty one and had my degree in business and Alijah was in nursing school only because Silas had put his foot down and said she needed something legal to fall back on so she could make her own living if she decided to not want to do this anymore.

"Some drug business that came from Houston is trying to take over, we need to handle that" Elias said as he rolled a blunt in his lap and I chuckled.

"Fuck all that, we have the best dope over here, they not fucking with us. That's child's play I bet we can get Moriah and his homies to take them out" I laughed referring to my fifteen year old cousin who sells on the corner from time to time with some of his friends from school.

"I think we need to open more traps houses in the hood and take some of the young niggas off the street and put em in that house so we start flowing in some neighborhoods, only weed though I don't want to be responsible for parents being strung out on crack" Jesse said and I nodded rubbing my chin.

We'd all made a pact that the only thing we'd sell in neighborhoods was weed and that's also the only thing we'd let the younger corner boys sell. If you wanted some of the big drugs you'd have to come to one of the older niggas and get it.

The meeting room door opened and Alijah walked in with her heels clacking on the ground. She was carrying a McDonald's bag and took a seat in between Darius and Zaire.

"Glad you can finally join us, school or not you need to be here on time what kinda example is that setting?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes taking a sip of her sweet tea.

"Don't start Cal, I'm not in the mood and you always push my buttons trying to make everything perfect" she mumbled and I smacked my teeth. I loved my cousin no doubt she was like my sister but that didn't stop us from fighting like cats and dogs every time she had some slick shit to say, which was a lot.

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