Chapter Twenty Six [One Step Ahead]

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"So that's why you wanted to know where Jesse was, you set him up?" I questioned making his father jump as he released his bladder into the toilet. Some of his pee sprayed on the floor and he quickly tried to finish so he could fix his pants.

Roman finished up and looked at me with a smirk as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands. I motioned for the guards that came with me to go away because I could handle it from here.

"Gyal if you wanted to fuck that's all you had to say" Roman teased licking his lower lip and I rolled my eyes stepping behind him as he looked at me in the mirror.

"What kind of father would sell out his own son, are you really that miserable or are you just jealous?" I whispered and he pretended to think.

"I don't know what your talking about, shouldn't you be in the kitchen somewhere?" He chuckled making me frown and pull out the blade I had stabbing him in the back pulling the blade up so it'd tear his skin.

Roman's eyes widened and he went to speak but decided against it. I pulled the blade from out of him watching his body slowly sink to the ground in pain and I used that time to bend down taking his gun away.

"See I'm not going to get offended by you and everyone else trying to call me useless, so continue to be ignorant" I shrugged with a smirk.

One of Jesse's guards named Kenny poked his head into the bathroom to see if I was okay. I motioned for him to come in seeing that he had a machete on him.

"Can I have that?" I questioned and he seemed hesitant at first but handed it to me anyway watching as I poked Roman in the chest and he sat helpless.

"Once my guards and associates get word of this your dead!" He yelled and I bit my lip to contain my laughter.

"See we talked it over with your associates and there okay with this, sacrificing you is a better opportunity for business, did you know your worth more dead than alive?" I asked curiously and he began to get a look of fear.

"And my guards? They are all like family" Roman snapped as his shirt began to turn red due to him bleeding out.

"I wouldn't be depending on them to come and help you" I shrugged as Jesse walked in putting his gun away and Roman bowed his head and began to laugh hysterically.

"I lost, I underestimated you son you win" he shrugged preparing to die and Jesse gave me a head nod signaling this was all on me.

"You set all this up love, do whatever you want to do to him" Jesse shrugged leaning in the doorway watching me.

"I like the rings on his pinky and middle finger, can you get it for me?" I asked quietly and Jesse walked over taking the machete from me and I watched as he swung down twice on his fathers hand cutting it completely off and removing the rings from it giving it to me and tossed the hand on the ground as it twitched.

Romans screams filled the entire bathroom as he rolled around on the bathroom floor in agony begging to be killed.

"Nah you gotta suffer, it's only right fadda" Jesse teased opening a cabinet and grab a bottle of rubbing alcohol pouring it all over where his fathers hand once was.

"What do you know about the twins?" I questioned watching the grown man cry. His boldness had left and he was now at his most vulnerable state, I knew he'd say anything to live at this point.

"I-I don't know anything" he stuttered trying to stop blood from gushing out but it wasn't working in his favor.

"Ion got time to play with him" Jesse shrugged pulling out a gun and I gave him a look trying to see if he was bluffing or not.

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