Chapter Twenty Two [Old Habits]

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"This is part of our new organization, meet Tiara, Janae and Stephanie" Cal said introducing three woman and I raised an eyebrow sharing a look of confusion with Eli and Zaire. Calvin had officially lost his mind.

"You sure they won't be a distraction?" I questioned as my eyes roamed to one of the girls asses and she looked at me with a smirk causing me to look away.

"No I didn't higher them because of how they look I hired them because we could use the help, Stephanie is a hacker, Tiara's brother took over a Cartel in Miami and Janae already works for the twins so she's inside help" he smiled and I nodded.

"Good idea, and it's a bonus they look this damn good" Darius pointed out as he and Marco slapped hands with each other and smiled.

Cal directed them to seats before the meeting started. I tried to get Eli to sit next to me in the empty seat but before I got his attention the girl Tiara took a seat next to me.

She pulled out her phone and went to the notepad preparing to take notes. Shrugging I looked back at Cal figuring we wouldn't have to talk.

"So as you know I haven't been myself lately, I've been trying to live up to the standards of my father and along the way I lost myself. I'm done with all of that now I want everyone to take notes from Jesse and grow heartless no more considering anybodies feelings just slaughter everyone working for the twins" Cal said smoking on a cigar.

There was a knock at the door and Nicole appeared. She motioned for him to come to her and he frowned as everyone else laughed and I smacked our teeth.

I didn't trust her and I felt like she played him. My brother deserved better than that but then again everybody deserves a second chance.

"I've heard a lot about you" Tiara smiled touching my shoulder and I looked at her coldly but her face remained blank.

"You gotta touch me to tell me that?" I asked as Cal dismissed everyone began to talk amongst themselves.

"Don't be so mean and uptight you and I have a lot in common" she said proudly and I eyed her for a moment letting out a slight chuckle.

"Nah you must got me confused with somebody else because we don't have shit in common, you don't run a cartel your brother does" I remind her and she nodded looking me over.

"But I've been looking for a man that can take me to the next level, someone That will make me their Bonnie" she said trying to sound innocent.

Looking around everybody was engrossed in a conversation trying to get to know the other two girls better. Tiara reached for my crotch and I grabbed her hand looking at her like she had lost her damn mind.

"Look, I got a family I'm engaged and I have a one month old don't disrespect me or them by doing this" I said and she seemed to frown in disappointment.

She looked like the type of rich girl that got whatever they wanted and when they didn't get it they got angry at the world.

"Everybody gives in eventually Jesse just remember that" she said smiling at me and I sighed standing from my seat leaving out.

I know Calvin's head was in the right place but shit was only going to turn into a distraction eventually.

I left from the warehouse and went back home wondering if Alijah was still throwing a temper tantrum like she been doing for the last week since our argument.

Walking through the front door I walked into the kitchen first and she was cooking gumbo. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she frowned and pushed me away.

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