Chapter Four [Gun Smoke]

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Moriah in Multimedia


I sat on the front steps coloring in the drawing of my father when Hazel cleared her throat catching my attention. I glanced over at her as she sat bored next to me painting her finger nails and humming to some song on pandora radio on her phone.

"This is what you call hanging out? It's so boring Moriah" she whined making me cut my eyes at her. That's one thing I hated was someone always complaining about something, I loved my mother to death but when she complained or cried if it wasn't important I'd turn up the music in my room and zone her out because it was irritating.

"This what I wanna do, you don't like it leave I could give a fuck less" I mumbled finishing shading in the brown in the picture and she pulled the sketch book from my hands taking the colored pencil.

"He's really handsome, is this your dad?" She asked causing me to give her a slight mug but nod my head anyway.

"It was when he was younger though, he still look the same minus the gray hair" I shrugged and she smiled and turned to face me crossing her legs.

"You don't talk a lot about your family, you don't talk much in general unless I force you, why?" She asked sitting down my artwork and I remained quiet for a moment.

"I have anxiety issues, people don't understand the way I think and I was mute up until five years ago. I like to observe things and feel a need to talk only when it's important" I shrugged and she stared at me for a moment.

"So I'm guessing you've never had a real girlfriend before? You haven't experienced anything normal teenagers have?" She asked and I glanced down at her before moving my eyes down to her cleavage.

"I've never seemed to have a problem in the girl department, you don't need to talk to have sex or to kiss somebody" I said and she looked at me shocked as I picked up my scrapbook.

"Wait your not a virgin?" She asked almost as if she expected me to be some type of loser or something, that highly offended me.

"I feel like your taking advantage of me, I don't think I wanna answer anymore of your questions" I smirked looking down at the picture.

She got embarrassed and looked down at her hands shyly like she did whenever I called her out on something, which was a lot.

"To answer your question, I had three siblings now I only have two one died, don't ask how he died" I said glancing up at her and she gave me a small smile.

"I have three older sisters, they don't come around often and I'm only close with one" she said sadly and I nodded.

I heard a car door closed and soon Elias was walking up the driveway with a night bag on his shoulders. He didn't live here anymore but he spent every weekend with us so I wouldn't be lonely if my parents decided to go out for the evening.

I knew the real reason though, they were just afraid I'd kill myself If I was left alone for to long, but that wasn't true I hadn't thought about killing myself since I was ten.

"Who this?" Elias asked nodding towards Hazel and I glanced at him before shrugging my shoulders and he made a face.

"Hi, I'm Hazel" she smiled big and I mentally rolled my eyes, it was official she was probably checking for him now.

Elias gave her a nod before retuning into the house and Hazel elbowed me in the arm and I snapped my head in her direction.

"That's my older brother Elias, he's nineteen and you don't have a chance of dating him" I shrugged and she gave me a mug before rolling her eyes.

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