Chapter Twenty Nine [Consequences]

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The sound of bone crushing made Zaire and I both turn our heads almost as if we could feel the pain Jesse was causing to Kevin. Calvin stood off to the side watching Jesse beat him with a baseball bat and didn't stop him until he swung hitting the man in the face and crushed his nose.

"Hold up, we still need him alive that's enough for now" Calvin said blowing smoke into the air and Jesse swung the bat once more hitting him in the ribs and the guy was spitting out blood.

"I say when I'm done nigga not you" he snapped and Cal held his hands in surrender watching the bat come in contact with Kevin's spine before Jesse tossed the bloody bat to the side.

"You done now?" Cal teased and he flicked him off as he and Zaire helped lift Kevin up and placed him in the chair and the grown man cried and drifted in and out of consciousness.

"Hey, wake up we need to talk" I demanded giving his face a slap and he struggled to keep his eyes open. He was still dressed in a suite and tie because we'd abducted him from his office and the cockiness he'd had quickly disappeared.

Calvin picked up the bucket of water and threw it on him make him become more alert as a mixture of blood and water dripped from his face and the rest of his body.

"See we are going to play a game, you answer correctly you live until the twins are dead but if you lie to me Jesse is going to continue to beat you with that metal bat and I know you don't want to be beaten to death" Calvin said calmly.

"So what I'm going to die anyway, I'm not telling you shit!" Kevin snapped angrily and we all began to laugh watching Jesse as he grabbed the bat again and hit him in the kneecap with it making it crack.

"You wanna talk now?" Zaire questioned as he squeal and yell out in pain. Kevin was going to crack under the pressure soon enough he was already beginning to sweat.

Before Jesse could raise the bat and swing at his other knee he started to cry loudly in defeat ready to speak and we all shared a look.

"What happened to Talia you fucking pedophile, what'd you do to my sister?" Calvin questioned growing slightly emotional.

"I-I can't tell you that, I swear I can- but wait!" He yelled out seeing Jesse was about to hit him. He sniffled as he tilted his head towards Jesse.

"They're coming for you next, one of you killed Tory's babies mother and he wants your daughter he said when he gets her he was going to dissect her and take his time doing it before sending you her parts back" Kevin said as he began to laugh and we all looked at Jesse.

Without warning he swung the bat full force hitting Kevin in the stomach over and over again until he stopped laughing and we had to pull him off.

"You think this shit is a joke? Jesse questioned as he took the bat swinging it across his face and you could literally see the teeth flying out of his mouth.

Kevin's body slowly sunk down to the ground and Cal remained quiet for a moment looking slightly annoyed.

"I thought I specifically said don't kill him until I was done talking, you got blood all over my floor this tile isn't cheap nigga. He's dead so where are we going to get information from, told your stupid ass to keep your anger in check" Calvin said firmly as he narrowed his eyes and Jesse laughed dropping the bat as he stepped forward and I got in front of him before he could reach Calvin.

"I'm tired of this shit and I'm done listening to you, fuck him fuck Jasmine and the twins I'm about to just go kill everybody police and all nigga and call me stupid again and I'll shoot you in the face" Jesse snapped as his chest heaved up and down and he shoved me to the side.

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