Chapter Ten [Release]

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Authors note-

Some of you wanted to pronounce Ajani and it's pronounced "Uh-Jah-Nee" kinda like how you pronounce Ohaji's name.


I ate peanut butter out of the jar with chocolate syrup as I sat in bed wrapped up in a blanket watching some lifetime movie but I was to distracted by Jesse doing push ups on the floor, my hormones had been raging lately and every time I saw him I wanted to do him even though my doctor said I shouldn't have sex right now because of the trauma from the explosion last month.

"What I tell you about eating in the bed?" Jesse asked as he sat up and looked at me. I glanced down at the chocolate syrup I'd dripped in the bed and shifted my body so it was covered.

"I want to eat and be comfortable, your the idiot who decided we should get an all white living room" I said and he smacked his teeth standing to his feet as he picked up his phone from the night stand and looked over something before tossing it on the bed and climbing in near me.

"Give me some" he smirked and I blushed and leaned in kissing his lips and bit his lower lip making him chuckle.

I scooped some peanut butter onto the spoon with chocolate and fed it to him. He seemed surprised at how good it tasted.

"This shit good as fuck" he laughed as I fed him some more before his phone beeped again and he sighed picking it up.

"Whose texting you?" I asked glancing at the screen watching some man chase a woman around the house, I swear lifetime movies are all the same but they be good as hell especially when your bored at home. 

"Justin, I gotta go back to work today, I took a month off with you now it's time to get serious" Jesse said and I nodded sadly. We agreed that if he took a month off with me I wouldn't complain about him going back to work.

It was actually more than a month because he was suppose to go back the week before but I begged him to stay but I knew now he really had to go.

I lifted my shirt up showcasing my five month belly and noticed my bellybutton starting to disappear.

"You have to give us a kiss before you leave" I whined and he smirking leaning down and kissing my stomach as he rubbed it gently and talked to it.

Jesse pulled the peanut butter jar from my hands and sat it off to the side before he kissed my lips making me lay back as the kiss deepened and he lifted his body up to keep from putting pressure on my stomach.

"I'll be back late tonight so don't wait up" he said and I nodded kissing him again before he got out of bed and went into the bathroom to shower.

Grabbing the peanut butter and left out of the bedroom and walked down stairs into the kitchen where my father was eating some left over pizza we had. He was staying in California until the baby was born and I was excited.

"Dad I'll cook you something you don't have to eat that" I tell him and he shrugged my off continuing to eat.

"Just go relax, I'm good Jah" he let me know as I put the spoon in the sink and I nodded before watching him sit quietly.

"Doesn't uncle O come home today?" I asked and he nodded with a chuckle. I was happy my arguing buddy was coming home I miss him always teasing me, but I knew he was going to have a mouthful to say about me leaving the game all of a sudden.

The thing is I would have stayed if Calvin was being fair and if I hadn't gotten knocked up. He was trying to see it was my fault but no what people fail to realize is the fact that Jesse and I both made the decision to not use condoms anymore the only difference is I'm a female and he's a male so if I did get pregnant he'd have nothing to loose because he doesn't have to carry anything in his stomach, I do.

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