Chapter Twenty [Blame Game]

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I stared at Darius as he lifted up a box and sat it on the table. Eli had called an emergency meeting and I was wondering what the fuck was going on or what had happened.

"Where Cal at?" I asked and Eli sighed as he stood up and began to open the box revealing this nasty ass smell. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as Elias covered up his nose and we watched Eli pull out the head of a small child.

He closed his eyes before showing me and I stood up in disbelief about to throw up. I turned my head away and Elias got up from his seat pushing past me as he left out of the room.

"This is retaliation, they killed Talia" Eli said placing the head back into the box as he grabbed hand sanitizer and cleaned his hands off.

"What you want us to do?" I asked keeping my eyes closed trying to keep that sight out of my mind, that was a little fucking girl.

"I don't trust any of them anymore, for all I know it could be Darius that's telling on everyone" Eli said and we all turned to look at him.

"We suppose to be family and the minute some shit happen you assume me? This ain't no fucking family because if you really knew me and the type of person I am you know once I get cool with you I'm loyal until the end" Darius said angrily as he stormed out and Marco stared at us before shaking his head.

"If he's the snake then I guess I am too. We spend a lot of time together and he's either with me or Alijah that makes no fucking sense. You keep blaming people and eventually everyone who's loyal will get fed up and let y'all handle this shit alone" Zaire said with a shrug.

"What the fuck are we suppose to think? Everybody is getting shot up, Calvin's little sister is dead, she was four years old and now he got to live with that for the rest of his life" Eli snapped and I signed.

"You just had to kill they mama" Justin accused and I narrowed my eyes at him before looking away not wanting to get angry.

"Fuck you, I'll kill your mama to nigga" I mumbled and he eyed me for a moment and Eli looked at the both of us,

"Jesse we just talked about this shit keep your anger under control" Eli warned as everyone looked at me and I chuckled.

"You'd know if I was mad or not, is this meeting over?" I asked and he sighed shaking his head no as he called someone in to take the box out.

"Everyone should just keep to themselves, we come together when business needs to be handled but other than that just let everyone do they own thing" Marco suggested.

"Nah we have shit to handle together, Cal isn't in the right state of mind right now so we need to be coming together instead of pulling apart" Eli said.

"Then you need to go apologize to Darius, if he tell Alijah what's going on, she gon get mad and I have to hear her mouth and put up with that. Then I'm going to get mad and come here and want to fight you so let's avoid all that and suck up your pride and admit you wrong" I said leaning forward on the desk.

"But we don't know if I'm wrong or not, Ember is never with us anymore it's like everyone is turing into a suspect in my eyes and I don't know what to think" Eli said and then I got an idea but it was only going to work if I didn't tell anybody about it.

Taking a deep breath Eli called the meeting to a close and I stood up feeling sad. That could of been my daughter in that box and it hurt to even think about.

It was like anybody I call my family could be out to set me up. I often felt like I had to keep my back against the wall afraid that any one of these niggas was going to stab me and that wasn't a good feeling.

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