Chapter Nine [Underestimating]

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I sat in front of my father with Eli as I ran a hand down my face ashamed and not knowing what to do. Nobody from the crew was answering my calls and Jesse was at the hospital with Alijah as they monitored the baby.

"I told you about this shit and I warned you, now they know where everybody lays their head and there is obviously a snake somewhere" he said threw gritted teeth as he eyed the both of us like he wanted to beat our ass.

"Okay so what do you want me to do? What am I suppose to do?" I asked feeling myself about to fucking breakdown, I had way to much pressure on my head right now.

"Start recruiting more security and get back cool with everybody because you need them. I hate to say it but it's just the two of y'all you can't expect much out of Jesse right now he actually got a fucking baby on the way and that's more important than this" my father said and I sighed.

Jesse was one of the strongest niggas I knew and Eli and I needed him. It's the three of us we make the best fucking team to get shit done.

"They not gon forgive me so easily I been fucking up a lot and now they don't want shit else to do with me, this was is my fault" I said quietly and my father raised an eyebrow.

"The fuck you mean it's your fault?" He asked with his face turning into a mug and Eli and I shared a look.

"Cal and I underestimated the other crew and didn't take them out when we should have and that's why everyone is so upset at us because all this could of been avoided months ago had we of listened" Eli told him and he chuckled.

"You realize if one of them dies that's your fault? You are going to have that on your mind for the rest of your life" my father warned and I nodded again sadly.

"I'm gonna fix all this shit pops I swear to god" I try and tell him and he didn't respond he just shook his head and stood up signaling the visit was over. He had put all his trust in me to run his business while he was locked up and I fucked it all the way up.

Eli and I left out and decided to go to the hospital to see what was up with my cousin. If she lost her baby I knew it'd give everybody an excuse to not help me out.

I stayed quiet on the drive and when we got there and parked Eli looked at me for a moment before speaking.

"People make mistakes Cal and mistakes can be fixed. You falling apart and being hard on yourself isn't going to help anything in this situation because at the end of the day we got everyone into this and we need to get everyone out of it" Eli said opening his car door and getting out.

Jesse texted us letting us know what room she was in and I took a deep breath as we got on the elevator.

It'd been two days since that explosion happened and it felt like we were defeated. A lot of our customers had stopped coming to us and they were getting drugs from other places.

I opened the door to the room as a doctor walked out and noticed Jesse tearing up and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest.

"What? What happened?" Eli asked as i stopped in my tracks feeling blood rushing to my ears, if she lost her baby and Jesse found out it was because of me being hardheaded we wasn't gon be cool anymore.

"Bruh they think it's a lil gyal, it's still to soon to tell but they almost positive" Jesse said wiping his eyes and Eli and I looked at each other almost sighing in relief.

"Damn nigga congratulations to the both of you, I ain't never thought I'd see you cry" I joked hugging him as Alijah mugged me, I'm guessing Marco told her what was up.

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