Chapter Fifteen [Us or Them]

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It was quiet in the hospital room while I ate and Alijah showered until my daughter began to grunt in her sleep. I looked up setting my food down as I walked closer to the thing she was sleeping in and looked inside and long behold I'm sure she was taking a shit.

I thought about disturbing Alijah but knew she'd only get mad if I called her out here for this because of all the pain she was in. I'd never changed a diaper before and I was scared as hell to be completely honest.

Walking over to the sink I washed my hands and dried them before grabbing a diaper and wipes tossing them on the hospital bed.

Slowly I picked up Ajani as she squirmed some what trying to get out of the swaddle she was in while she slept and I couldn't help but to laugh at how much she looked like a baby burrito.

Once I took her out of the swaddle Alijah had done earlier. I undid her onesie and braced myself as I took her diaper in revealing the smallest baby shit I'd ever seen. Cal walked in as I wiped and began to laugh making me smack my teeth.

"Look at you all grown up, how many time you changed a diaper?" He questioned walking over as she began to cry, she was just like me and ain't like being disturbed in her sleep.

"Nah this my first time, I tell him putting on her new diaper and he nodded. I glanced at the place her umbilical cord was and wondered when that thing would fall off it was irritating me.

"Here's a tip I learned from when I babysat my sister when she was a newborn, make sure you put the new diaper under the old one before you change her incase she wanna be an asshole and pee or poop again while you in the middle of it" Cal said patting my back before walking over to my food.

I folded the diaper before tossing it to him and he dropped it on purpose like it was on fire or some shit. The bathroom door opened and Alijah walked out slowly clutching her stomach dressed in the clothes she asked me to bring.

"You ready to go home?" I questioned fixing Ajani's clothes as Cal put the car seat on the bed. She was one week old and I was ready to take her home, I was bored looking at the same room everyday.

"Oh my god yes, I want to lay in my own bed. You know this means you won't get anymore good sleep right? She wakes up entirely to much during the night" Alijah warned me and I nodded.

"Let me put her in the car seat I'm more experienced and I still ain't held her yet" Cal complained and I took a step back as he lifted her up and put her in. I watched as he did the straps securely and she began to cry so I used that as an opportunity to put socks on her feet.

"She really don't like to be fucked with, guess like father like daughter. I feel bad for you bruh wait till she older I guarantee that'll be your twin" he laughed helping Alijah into the wheel chair as the nurses came in to say goodbye and help us get to the car.

"Ajani was by far the cutest baby I'd ever seen, I'm gonna miss seeing her beautiful face" one of the nurses smiled sadly making me laugh wondering if they tell everyone that.

I felt like once you have a kid and fall in love with them when you look at everyone else's kids they don't look as cute as yours does, some of them white babies in that nursery looked weird as fuck.

"Thank you"Alijah blushed as I sat the car seat in her lap. She was acting like a baby and didn't want to hold Ajani while I pushed her in the wheel chair because she was to afraid She'd drop her so we had to bring the car seat inside.

Cal tagged along because he figured it'd give him a better opportunity of holding her without as many people around. The nurses walked with us to the elevator and we all got on with another couple and their baby.

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