Chapter Twenty One [Burning Bridges]

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Laying in bed I felt my face grow warm feeling Jesse's hand roam my thigh. I bit my lower lip and pushed it away wanting him to stop so I could actually get some sleep.

"Jesse I've been up with the baby since three this morning let me take a nap" I whined feeling him stick his hand into my panties.

"You can still go to sleep" he laughed pushing my legs apart and I closed my eyes feeling him climb on top of me laying kisses on my neck.

I'd be lying if I said didn't want this. With everything going on lately I've been wanting it more than ever but there was one thing stopping me from having sex and that was because I'd grown insecure about my body.

"Not right now, I'm really tired" I fake yawned and he sat up and looked down at me for a moment with an unreadable face.

"Either you cheating on me or you aren't attracted to me anymore, which is it?" He questioned climbing off of me and I grabbed his arm.

"It's not you, it's me and the fact that I haven't really lost any of the baby weight, I feel like you won't like my body the same call me insecure but whatever" I said making him bust out laughing to the point he was holding his stomach and I didn't know why.

Jesse wiped the laughing tears from his eyes as he turned to look at me. I looked while he lick his lower lip as he eyed me.

"Shut up" he laughed leaning down and kissing me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck feeling him trying to pull my panties down.

"What if Ajani wakes up?"'I asked as he pulled them off and tossed them to the side. He remained quiet as he pulled down his gym shorts kicking them off,

"Moriah and Elias are here" he said going to our bedroom door and locking it. I watched him as he grabbed a new box of magnums and held them up happily so I could see.

"You planned this didn't you?" I asked and he smiled at me as he opened the box and pulled out a condom before tossing the box to the side.

"Nah I was just hoping it'd happen soon and wanted to be prepared" he said dropping his boxers revealing how hard he was. He began to put the condom on before looking up at me.

It was weird because we'd only used condoms once and that was the first time I'd had sex and after that we just stopped because I was on birth control.

Jesse climbed on top of me pulling the covers over us and I began to kiss him again as his dick sat at my entrance.

I arched my back once he began to slide inside and he continued to kiss down to my neck until he started to suck on it letting me know I'd have a hicky later.

"Be gentle it's been a little while since I've had sex" I moaned as he pushed deeper into me. My arms went to his back as I clawed him feeling him stroke into me.

I couldn't even hide the moans coming out of my mouth, I needed this more than anything right now and he knew my body better than I did.

Jesse spread my legs wider as he slid the rest in side of me and I gasped letting out a moan of satisfaction out.

"Right there" I let out sounding hoarse before I bit down on his shoulder. I didn't know if he closed his eyes because of the pain I was giving him or the feeling of the sex.

Thirty minutes in to sex we'd changed positions and I was on top. I could feel my self about to climax and he clutched my waist tightly as I yelled out and he had to cover my mouth.

Jesse continued to thrust until he released into the condom making it grow warm and I climbed off of him wiping the sweat from my brow.

I leaned down and kissed his chest as he stared at the ceiling taking in the high he was feeling. I moved my kisses to his mouth and he laughed as he sat up and kissed me deeper.

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