Chapter Twenty Five [The Past]

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Blowing smoke out of my mouth I watched as Marco tied up Tory's baby mama named, Carman. She didn't put up much of a fight and didn't seem to give any fucks, glad she wasn't the crying type.

"When they find out you took me, consider yourself dead" she said bitterly as I leaned back in my chair just watching her not really feeling anything on the inside.

Marco turned to look at me before holding up a finger and leaving out of the room. Carman continued to stare at me looking for something in my eyes she could use, like some type of fear she was expecting me to have.

"You seem real sure about that" I said standing to my feet and tilting my head to the side. The twins were released from jail a few hours ago and I expect them to be plotting or something.

The blunt remained in my mouth as I began to pour myself a glass of Vodka and Marco returned with her oldest son on his hip and she began to freak out.

"If you fucking hurt my son I will loose it!" She screamed out as I drunk the glass looking back at her before pouring myself some more.

"Relax I'm not a child killer" I replied glancing over at the boy and she began to cry making me tense up.

"You guys are really weak you know that? You deserve everything coming your way" Carman cried out and I shrugged my shoulders up and down.

"I don't give a fuck anymore wether I live or die has no meaning to me, all I know is if I die I'm taking the twins with me and if not both one of them" I shrugged drinking some more and she looks at me as her lips trembled.

"Starting to sound like your pops, you good?" Marco questioned sitting the boy on the ground and one of the girls working for him took his hand leading him out I simply ran a hand down my face.

"It's real easy for people to talk shit when they don't know what you going through, I'm tired of everyone throwing in opinions like I'm suppose to give a fuck what they think. This whole Ember situation is one of the things I'm taking about, I don't feel bad maybe it's my father coming out of me but fuck it" I shrugged standing to my feet about to grab the bottle of alcohol again but he took it before I had a chance to grab it.

"I understand why you did what you did. I'm tired of people explaining shit that they wouldn't have to if they stopped being so sneaky, we are doing good right now and we have the upper hand Cal I know you hurting and we may not always get along but you a good leader nigga and you doing a good job" Marco said and I nodded turning my attention back to Carman.

She froze as I walked towards her and Marco moved her son out of the room. He took the oldest and left the other baby with some lady that was in the house we assumed to be Carman's mom or some shit.

Patting my pockets I pulled out a blade and made her tilt her head back as she began to cry and I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips.

"So, I'm going to ask you a few questions and if you don't answer I'll cut your tongue out of your head" I said and she closed her mouth tightly shaking her head.

"I can't go against my boyfriend please!" She cried and begged staring into my eyes. I traced the blade along her neck making her get completely still.

"It's either him or you, your to beautiful and it'd be a shame if I had to disfigure you. I know you sell drugs on the low and handle business just like the twins do so you aren't as innocent as you trying to look" I said with a smirk and she mugged me.

It was like her personality had completely changed and she got a bunch of confidence as she began to laugh.

"Fuck you and your shitty organization, I expected more from you because of who your father is but you ain't shit" she laughed spitting on me and I took the blade and slit her mouth from ear to ear making her scream out.

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