Chapter Three [Doin it Wrong]

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I took a shot and made a face as the alcohol burned my throat. I picked up another one tossing it back also as I watched the stripper remove her top as she twirled around on the pole making the male customers turned on.

The strippers name was Karman the girl I was creeping with on Alijah. She made eye contact with me and bit her lip giving me a smile before ending her set and picking up the money quickly heading to the back.

"That's temptation right there and you keep fucking up Alijah not gon want you back" Eli warned taking a sip of his drink as he looked in the direction I was looking in.

"What should I do? I'm trying to distance myself but she calls my phone at all hours of the night it's like she trying to get me caught up" I said lighting a blunt and he chuckled.

"That's what the fuck you get for opening Pandora's box" Marco said glancing over jumping into the conversation and I let out a chuckle.

"Take your bitter ass on somewhere, I owned up to my mistakes" I said staring at him and he shook his head walking off with his drink as my attention turned to Karman that was walking my way.

I noticed Alijah walking towards me and Eli laughed before turning away from me to talk to some girl at the bar.

Karman reached me first stepping in front of Alijah before she could reach me. She took a step back raising an eyebrow looking at me.

"Karman this is my wife Alijah the one I told you about last time you called me" I said grabbing Alijah pulling her close to me kissing her lips as Karman watched angrily.

"So your the broad that was fucking my man, when you knew we were together" Alijah chuckled and Karman pursed her lips together looking her over,

"Yeah hoe and I'll fuck him again" she said and before I could speak Alijah picked up a liquor bottle bashing her in the head making me grab her.

"You'll fuck what bitch?! I don't hear you talking now hoe!" Alijah yelled as she laughed at Karman holding her face on the ground crying.

Eli turned around and began taking pictures as he laughed and I pulled Alijah out of the strip club. I didn't even know why she was here to begin with, I was about to handle the situation.

"Let go of me this is your fault!" She yelled trying to pull out of my grip but I wouldn't let her I just continued to pull her closer to me until she finally relaxed.

"I wouldn't come home to you every night if I wanted that hoe,I haven't messed around with her since we've been back together because like I told you I'm being serious about this your the love of my life and I wouldn't fuck that up again for a night with some hoe!" I yelled grabbing her face kissing her lips.

She stayed quiet for a moment as I looked down at her making a face and she gave me a small smile pulling my face to hers as she kissed my lips deeply and my hands went to her ass gripping it.

"Alijah?" Someone called and I turned my head looking at some nigga that was smirking at her. She raised an eyebrow before smiling and walking over hugging him.

"Terrance this is my husband Jesse" she said introducing us and he went to shake my head but I gave him a head nod.

"When y'all get cool?" I asked raising an eyebrow, I ain't trust him he looked a little off and I could tell he was attracted to her by the way he was looking at her.

"Well were partners he's in my nursing class, at first I thought he was annoying but eventually he showed me how cool he was" she said with a shrug and I nodded watching him smile at her and I couldn't help but mug him, he was about to get punched the fuck out.

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