Chapter Twenty Eight [Word Is Bond]

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"I don't think I can deal with an insecure girl, like if I was cheating in the past leave that shit there and don't keep bringing it up. I don't know how you deal with that shit I'd just leave" Eli said as he spotted me while I lifted weights, all the niggas came over to work out in the gym at Calvin's place.

This was my first time telling him and the rest of the niggas what happened in Jamaica and about the therapy shit that Alijah was talking about and they all had mixed opinions.

"See but only a dumb bitch or a nigga would do that. I made her the way she is and I take full responsibility for that and my actions which is why I don't get mad and try and stay patient because she ain't have to take me back. We also got a baby together and the way I was raised there's no such thing as getting divorced even if my girl is over dramatic" I said as I put the weights down and sat up.

"Alijah isn't over dramatic"Zaire said and we all looked at him pausing for a moment trying to see if we heard him correctly.

"Shit she just like her fucking moms maybe a little better and tougher but she still over dramatic as fuck" Calvin mumbled and Zaire glared at him.

"See I hate when y'all double standard shit there's a fucking difference. Ivory is just over emotional but Alijah has a mental disorder so if Alijah being bipolar makes her over dramatic then so is Jade and Moriah and let's not forget about your father, but nah y'all always got some slick shit to say when it comes to her but you overlook them just because they handle it differently they all do the same shit" Zaire chuckled and I scratched my chin.

"Regardless I love her cry baby ass bipolar and all" I said trying to lighten the mood. I looked around at everyone who'd grown quiet.

"So back to Jesse's cheating. Zaire do you think it's fair for her to keep bringing it up when she's angry and using that against him when he's trying to change? I don't think it's fair" Eli said changing the subject.

"I see what you saying, but don't screw a girl over and expect everything to be all cool. Some woman get post traumatic stress disorder from that shit and niggas think it's a game" Zaire pointed out and I raised an eyebrow.

"For real? I don't believe that shit" I laughed and Calvin joined me and Zaire smacked his teeth and pulled out his phone typing something in.

"It's a real thing called post infidelity stress disorder, some woman never get over that shit because they are so hurt" Zaire shrugged and the laughter died down as he showed me on his phone.

"I think anybody not willing to own up to they mistakes and blame the partner is childish which is why Eli will never be in a stable relationship" Calvin teased and he flicked us off.

"I just don't know if this therapy shit is going to work, what if she never forgive me are we suppose to just pretend we don't love each other and move on?" I questioned rubbing my forehead.

"Therapy works for people who want to be helped. If you aren't trying to change going is pointless but if you actually want to sit and talk out your problems and come up with a resolution than it shouldn't be a problem" Marco chimed in.

I glanced at him for a moment never in a million years thinking that he'd be the one to give me any type of advice when it came to Alijah.

"I haven't told her about my uncle yet, that shit is going to be hard to just come out and say it" I said lowly chewing on my lip.

By this time everyone had stopped working out and we were just standing around and talking, times like this we really felt like family and we all got along which was rare.

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