Chapter Thirty [Support System]

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"I don't remember what happened I was drugged and taken advantage of" Alijah told the two police officers questioning her as she held back tears. The two cops shared a look with each other before one of them spoke up.

"Are you sure you didn't just get drunk and sleep with him? You might of just had a bit to much to drink" the cop said and his partner agreed. I clenched my jaw watching as the nurse who was caring for Alijah looked taken back.

"She was tossed out of a moving car in front of the hospital bleeding from her private area and we had to give her plan B, she was beaten I'm one hundred percent positive it wasn't consensual sex and anyone who disagrees is an idiot" the nurse snapped.

I shared a look with Jade and Silas who'd gotten here a few hours ago and they were just listening. We told Alijah to say she didn't remember anything because we didn't give a fuck about the legal system or how they did shit we were going to handle it.

"My daughter is really tired and obviously doesn't want to talk to you so get the fuck out" Jade said sternly. They hesitated and I narrowed my eyes making them quickly gather their stuff and head out.

It was obvious they were working for the other side and they weren't going to file anything. I stretched standing up before rubbing my growling stomach. I'd been here since three in the morning and it was going on ten am, I needed something to eat.

"The waiting room is filled, you can't just refuse to see them they want to know your okay" Silas tried to reason with her.

"I'm not okay and I really don't want to see mom she's just going to cry and make it worse and I can't deal with that right now. I just want time to myself and to be alone I'm already disgusted with myself" she said in a whisper.

"Well you can't be alone or they gon send your ass to the crazy ward. What you want me to tell them I'm about to go get something to eat and I can't just walk passed they gon harass me" I tell her and she slowly shrugged her shoulders.

"Go a different way I just don't want to see anybody else I can-" she began before she started to cry and Jade leaned down to hug her.

I hadn't been this angry at something in awhile and I was really trying not to be the same O as before the one who killed and didn't give a fuck after but it looks like I have to be that person these young niggas just don't understand what I'm capable of.

Scratching the back of my head I made Silas follow behind me as we left out of the hospital room going past the waiting room and everyone looked at us.

I paused not really knowing what to say, I looked to Silas to speak knowing he was better at speaking than I was because I would have told them flat out she ain't want to see them.

"She's sleep and maybe when she wake up she'll be up for some visitors" he assured them and Jesse stood up coming closer.

"She been sleep all day, I'm her fiancé and were legally married don't you think I deserve to see her? You ain't been sitting out here crying like your whole world just ended but I have" he said running a hand down his face as his eyes pierced into mine.

"Fine you want the truth? She doesn't want to see any of you right now she's upset and just want to chill" I try and tell him but he shrugged me off pushing passed as he walked passed giving the guards a menacing look and they stepped to the side quickly.

"We not going to stop him?" Silas questioned and I shrugged, we tried. My eyes wondered over to the other side of him as Ivory walked over and looked at me furrowing her eyebrows together.

"Why doesn't she want to see me? I'm her mother I deserve to be able to hold her" she sniffled fanning her eyes.

"See that's the problem you always crying she's in enough pain so relax and come and chill with your number one man" I grinned wrapping my arm around her shoulder and she frowned.

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