Chapter Thirty Two [Why]

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Authors Note- My opinions aren't the same as those in this book that's the difference between fact and fiction. Towards the end of the chapter a touchy topic happens and just keep the insensitive comments to yourself so you don't offend anyone going through something similar because I'm still trying to cope with the loss of yeah continue reading.


"I was really surprised when you said you wanted to think about becoming a cop Mo, considering how your family is its just weird" Detective Mathews said nervously as we entered the police station.

Detective Mathews was friends with uncle O and Calvin helping them do things. He was the main one that was more thank likely setting all of this stuff up.

He was a bit startled when I called him wanting to tour the police station and I found it amusing. He wasn't really any fun to play with though he was basically telling on himself and I needed a challenge.

I gave him a casual shrug as I looked around. He'd been trying to make conversation the whole ride here and I knew he was anxious about something like he knew I could see right through him.

"Sir why are you sweating? It's kinda chilly in here I find it kinda odd" I said quietly as my eyes pierced into his and he began to look like he was about to be sick.

"I'll be right back feel free to look around" he said rushing towards the wash room. I watched him briefly before turning towards a large wall with every police officer currently working.

At the very bottom Terrance's picture had just freshly been added. I guess they were right about him, just gave me a reason to dislike the cops around here more than I already do.

Hearing someone clear there throat I glanced up at another detective, he was a black man and had a full head of gray hair. He looked oddly familiar and when I looked at his ID it clicked that it was Detective Samuel and I took a step back and greeted him with a handshake.

"You worked with my grandfather right? It's nice to meet you my uncle said you'd be here" I said quietly and he nodded.

"Hope you've been staying out of trouble. That was a very unfortunate incident I had to get you out of hope your more careful when sneaking in next time" he said looking around and fixing his tie to down play our conversation making me smile.

"I guess so, I'm pretty sure I was only caught because of everyone else with me. I could have done it alone if I was good at computers like that girl" I shrugged making him smile in delight.

"So many crooked cops around here so let's get this straight" he said looking into my eyes being sure nobody else was around. "I take my job as a cop seriously and the only reason I'm helping you out is because your grandfather was like a brother to me. I retire in two months so you let your family know not to fuck up my city or I will find some shit to convict them of" he said sternly.

"I like your tie, I want to be a tie wearing professional like you one day" I told him and he smiled at the compliment ignoring my obvious conversation switch.

"Oh so you want to be a detective one day?" He asked and I shifted a little bit still taking in the expensive dress shirt he was wearing.

"Nah I want to be an assassin. Got to do something illegal to live up to my family name and art won't give me as much enjoyment as it would watching someone I hate die" I said quietly and he looked at me shocked as he slowly stepped away.

"I guess I won't be retiring after all, I like the way you think to bad I think it'll be interesting devoting my life trying to arrest you when your older" he said casually and I gave a small grin.

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