Chapter Seven [Life Choices]

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2 months later

That's so cold" I whined as my doctor put gel on my stomach. Looking up at my mom she was fanning her eyes making me sigh, it's like she was the one having a baby and not me. This was why I was hesitant at first to invite her because I knew she'd be all emotional.

"Is this the father to be?" Dr. Davis asked and I made a face as I looked at Darius and he quickly shook his head no.

"Nope she's like my sister, I'm gonna be the god daddy though" he assures her and she smiled as she began looking at the baby. It was still sinking in that there was a baby in my stomach, an actual living thing.

Darius was being a sweetheart lately driving me to my appointments and just making sure I was okay while I was in the process of moving into my home.

I've decided to take a break from Cal and everyone and I'm having Marco and Zaire run my side of the organization because I knew that's what they'd want to do and I didn't want to give Cal the opportunity to push them out.

"When am I gonna be able to find out the sex of the baby?" I asked looking at the screen and seeing the baby.

"Your halfway through three months so hopefully next appointment" Dr. Davis said causing me and Darius to share a look.

He, Ember and I had made a bet with Cal, Eli and Zaire that I was having a boy even though they swore up and down it was going to be a girl. I wanted girl but I felt like if I hoped for a boy it'd come out a girl.

I don't know if that's crazy or not but usually when I want something I get the exact opposite so hopefully that works in this case.

"Is the dad as excited as you are?" Dr. Davis asked causing me to bit my lower lip. I stayed quiet trying to not grow emotional.

"He is he's just busy right now that's all" my mom said covering up for Jesse. My uncle and fathers were pissed and I literally feared for his safety.

You know it's bad when my daddy was talking about coming out of hiding and back to California to whoop his ass and uncle O was talking about if he gets out of prison soon he's gonna castrate him.

When the doctor finished checking out the baby she wiped my stomach off and let me sit up. I dressed in fitted sweat pants and t shirts now. I had completely stopped caring what I looked like and it made guys finally stop approaching me trying to get my number.

"What are your eating habits like? You been eating healthy like we talked about?" Dr. Davis asked and I frowned.

"Do green M&MS count as being healthy?" I asked and everyone in the room began to laugh. I hadn't put on that much weight but I couldn't stop eating.

"I cooked Spaghetti last night and she ate four bowls with lots of cheese" Darius said throwing me under the bus and I hit him.

"No that's not fair I would eat that much even if I wasn't pregnant, I love pasta" I mumbled watching Dr. Davis write something down.

"Try eating salads Alijah, I'd also recommend a yoga class if you have free time and you say your bored at home a lot there's lots of mother to be classes you can take" she said catching my attention.

I looked at Darius with a smile and he made a face. He was the stand in daddy for this pregnancy while Jesse was God knows where. We hadn't spoken since the day I threw all of his shit out.

I found out a couple days after I broke up with him that the same night we broke up he fucked some stripper and it honestly made me not regret my decision to end things.

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