Chapter 76 - Under Suspicion

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART FOUR :: Leave The Front Line Behind

Chapter 76 - Under Suspicion

"Finally," James sighed, spotting the tall, metal walls surrounding the base in the distance. If he ever had to go play peacekeeper or settle another miniscule dispute within the gang again, it would be too soon.

James lifted his hand to feel along the interior lining of the car's roof but kept his eyes on the dirt lane in front of him. Finally finding the inconsistency he was looking for, he wedged his finger between the two panels and pressed the tiny button located just inside the seam. The black panel slid back into the interior metal framework of the roof, revealing a glowing panel of black buttons with green inscriptions ranging from numbers to various symbols. In the very middle was set one key with an illuminated red symbol depicted on it, the single button obviously out of place compared to the rest.

Quickly typing in the access code, James hit the red button and then pulled his hand back as the panel automatically slid closed once again. The new security system that Aiden had finally finished installing while he had been hunting down false leads in Iraq had equipped all of the cars with hidden panels and each member with a specific code. If the code registered as correct, the camera above the immense doors that now characterized the electrified walls, which had replaced the measly fence that had been the base's only form of outside security before, would scan the driver's retina for identification. Only if the member's retina and particular code matched would the gates open, allowing the person access.

The only exception to the retina scan was a precise and extensive alternate code, acting as an emergency code that would allow the possessor to fly through the gates without stopping. The gates were programmed to slam closed as soon as the car was completely through, cutting off any tailing vehicles. Only those with high enough security clearance within the gang and Aiden, the programmer himself, knew of its existence or the actual code itself.

Stopping his signature black sports car before the imposing gates, James waited for the security camera above the great doors to scan his retina through the tinted windows. When the resulting green light appeared at the top of the camera, he slowly eased on the gas. The doors swung open before him, their immense, masculine bodies parting and slowly swinging away from each other as if a robotic bird carefully unfolding its metallic wings until they were spread wide for everyone to admire.

The enormous doors shut behind him, the sound of them locking into place helping to sooth his worries. His sister would not be able to escape from him a second time and no outside forces would be able to touch them within this impervious compound. While he knew that the national forest around them served as protection from discovery, the thought of additional safety measures was comforting. Since he had taken over as the leader of Black Death almost three years ago, James had pondered increasing the security of the complex but the opportunity had never seemed to arise. More pressing problems and missions had always erupted and up until then, the base had not been breached even with the only precautions having been a measly fence and locks on the doors, so it had always been thrown onto the back burner.

The garage doors lifted before him, the off-white barrier receding into the upper recesses of the High-Tec building as it recognized his car from the database Aiden had programmed into it. Gliding the black sports car smoothly onto the slab of concrete, white panels set in the ground sprang to life to illuminate the darkness. They carved out paths from the surrounding darkness, placed along the main path as well as the branching aisles that could be made out between the endless sea of cars.

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